Wibbly wobbly timey wimey... stuff. That's how he caused it.
I dunno about that. I always enjoy watching the Majority Report crew making fun of her, so now we'll be without that.
Stopping someone from using a siren is just another form of censorship as well.
Again, "free speech" doesn't apply to what companies allow on their platforms.
I listed examples of harmful speech.
- "Free speech" refers to the government, not private companies.
- There is some speech that has no place in the public square. Hate speech, threats, and harmful conspiracies, as examples.
AI doesn't exist, but it will ruin everything anyway.
It's not a complete solution, but I like one-handed mode. When it's active, swiping down on the bottom center of the screen makes the whole screen slide down, making the notification shade easier to get to.
Sadly he rarely posts there.
Sure, I get your point, but not giving the dude who made it credit sucks.
Unrelated, I'm trying to think of a rebound joke, because Loons, but I'm stuck.
They're still in contract until 11:59 pm on the 14th. They can't strike until then.
Why be loyal to a company? I'll bet you anything the company won't show any loyalty when they decide to save money by laying people off.