If you take the free trial you’ll see why there’s nothing else like it today. Its next level. Plex works fine too ofc. But its nowhere near as polished.
That would be Avatar 2. One of the blind buys. I suspect it will be very similar to the first, so a nice demo disc. The colors trilogy is superb, can’t recommend enough, especially at $7!
People will moan and groan because paid software and not opensource but there is nothing even close to Roon for doing this. https://roon.app/en/
The more you know… 😁
Hey! I watched Videodrome just last week! On 4K UHD bluray ofcourse.
AFAIK all Sony players support SACD, the more common of the upmarket cd formats. It could have been mentioned.
If I were inclined to go all hifi at the summer place i’d probably look into this category. I stick to separates too.
I feel back then the humongous packaging didn’t matter that much since the format itself is bulky. Now huge packaging annoys me. 😂
OP here. Thanks for all your input! It’s really an embarrasment of riches which will take me some time to navigate. But thats part of the fun, right? Again, thanks everyone.
Thank you! I think you mean the A24 release of Midsommar on UHD, thats the yellow one. The big black box is The Godfather trilogy UHD box.
Well, no. You need to subscribe separately to streaming services. And yes, I was sceptical before I tried it. There is nothing else like it, if you want to take control over your digital music library Roon is the best way.