Maybe we have exactly the right amount of liberal.
Correctness is more important. The awards are not just for athletes but other sportspeople too (presenters, officials, etc)
Saw this guy a few times at festivals back in the day.
I remember him raising the roof off a tent at 4am where he built up this insane drum and base track and added a solid beat behind it and then dropped everything but that beat and into star 69 and the place went absolutely fucking mental.
They know what is what but they don't know what is what, they just strut. What the fuck.
Will definitely check out his new release.
Websites are not sliding puzzle games. Stop randomly floating bits over text. It sucks on mobile too.
Ublacklist Firefox plugin.
Add quota Add pinterest
Make the internet a little less shit
You can find some blacklist subs on GitHub too if you want to blanket filter out a lot of the other shit (like and other bulk targeted result sites)
But then you're melting carbon ash and not eggs.
Currently as one becomes 18 it becomes legal to buy tobacco products. Banning for future generations means that this stops being the case and nobody currently under 18 will gain the right to do so on their 18th birthday.
I can't imagine this being legally sound - that some citizens have the right to decide for themselves whether to smoke but others don't.
Ikr..I wish shield had an app only mode like the new Chromecast has.
Will definitely pick this up. The first game and MM were great.