I don’t really know what is the problem with google+ except they are born in the wrong time where Facebook are still on the rise, instagram is new and trendy and Zuckerberg is not dreaming on metaverse
Maybe they already know, that’s why they are purging the third party app and try squeeze money until ship is sank
I don’t think there is concern. In the age of uncertainty, massive inequality, cultural clash between immigrants and locals, people either turn far left or far right. But the far left are always clinging on the legacy of Marx and forgot how to adapt their ideology to modern world that only far right are evolving. Or they are trying idolise Mao/ Lenin which is not very saint as well.
The only thing to stop them popping out is built a better society that is with positive growth, good wealth distribution, high employment rate, good equality, which is not going to happen in the current political climate. Blaming people who vote for them is really not a good take as if people are willingly destroy their own country. Storm is brewing and once again the rich will take their money and leave to hide in nice tropical islands while ordinary people are punching each other in the face for a slice of bread.
Turns out talking to a bot is dumb fun, you can do it like two months and get bored of it.
when we had our first child, we are borderline bankrupt , our bank account has only two digit numbers, we are out of work, relying on family to provide us food. Eleven years later with lots of hard work we have bought our first home. I am forever thankful to the people who helped us get us through
I’m always for story telling games than sandbox games as I love playing through story lines. It feels the developers give more time to craft the characters for me. This is definitely a plus for me
I haven’t finished elden ring yet so I reckon I will have a few weeks before end of story, and I’ll be getting that dlc as well after all the positive comments here!
Sadly I don’t have a PC the only gaming console I’ve is a ps5 but I think it will still work smoothly since they have done a lot of upgrades?
It’s GI time!
Football maybe big but Lemmy is not big enough to have active users in here, let alone individual clubs or leagues. Too much fragmentation is not good for the current state of Lemmy
Even though de gea is out of contract I haven’t heard any clubs to be approaching him. I think he has already signed the extension but the club choose to announce it after they have secured a first team goalkeeper as he is going to be a rotation player at best.
I don’t have friends so I don’t have to go to stupid gatherings