They are late. All old car manufactures are late in game. They did not want to believe in ev-tech or invest in it in time. Now they are suffering for consequences. Tesla and Chinese manufatures are ahead and now only way to compete is throwing shitloads of money in or perish.
joined 2 years ago
Just uninstall other messaging apps and tell people that you don’t want to install another app.
I for one like to upvote all my own posts.
Why delete? Why not just replace all messages with ”fuck spez”?
ctrl-z and killall vim
I heard Koreans use metal chopsticks and bought pack home. Took some time to learn how to use those but so much easier when I can put those in dishwasher.
It means office space!
Drink gasoline and save the planet?
Linux games work just fine on my SteamDeck.
Not sure how to add pictures here yet so you have to imagine Leo laughing with drink here.
While we are at it, why do I see 2-3 year old posts in my stream?
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Russia has made claims that they have destroyed weapons before they even entered Ukraine, so I would not put mutch weight what Russia says.