He had several affairs become public, and that's what led to the divorce, don't just make shit up. Qanon is not a reliable source.
I mean, I dunno, ACAB and fuck tha police and all that jazz, but 5 bil for 36k is 138k/each, and that's not too unreasonably bad for NYC cost of living vs the inherent danger and work regime of the job as a police officer in such a populous city.
This was always a political bag of bullshit. They even had to fund it as a special prosecution with legislation, going so far as to assign a special prosecutor that happened to also be a state Republican legislator.
The gymnastics people keep using to align blame for manslaughter onto Bladwin have slowly become accepted as if it is factual like propaganda is meant to do.
It's just usb-c power right?
Putting on my rollerblades now.
I mean, they at least offer a blank + clear ANSI and blank + clear ISO keyboard options along side their 14 other keyboard formats.
Slow down there, Zerocool
Those are rookie numbers son, you gotta get on that.
You need to update your ISO.
Well, now they just make you throw out the old Mac hardware and buy new for $1299 (8gb RAM lol) because it's now out of support for the latest MacOS and the newest versions of Adobe Suite/MS Office/insert productivity work related proprietary software suite here is on board with Apple's bullshit and won't run on older MacOS versions.
The more things change, the more they stay the same.
Biden is the boogeyman 'they' have you afraid of. Or maybe you are the 'they' trying ro reframe Biden as the boogeyman.
Trump isn't a boogeyman, he's an objectively selfish criminal grifter lunatic and theres decades of evidence and receipts to back it up.
It was always about butthurt Trump opening the floodgates on the idea of banning it after TikTokers kept attacks on him trending.
It's brainwashed lunacy to the point of propaganda to continually claim it's over China using the platform to sway public opinion. They can and do use EVERY platform to do that.
You think even Lemmy is immune?