Progressive is often used as a blanket term that basically means that you are farther left than the Democratic party. Not that he doesn't like progress, just that he is not pursuing the end of capitalism or something in that direction if even slightly.
My first thought for the first one is that a malicious devil will just reply that n=1.
50% of my messages here on Lemmy.
I'd guess more like 25% of messages at work and 75% on the discord server I use with IRL friends are deleted without being posted.
I actually think that's what they called Mario deluxe for the WII U. Definitely look into it before buying a 2nd copy of the same game like I did. I mean, I've 100%ed it a few times now but still I wish I knew it was the same.
In fact, it's better on the Wii u. Player 2 can either play as a Luigi or play as god on the Wii pad. Putting down tiles and making the game dead easy.
Can you believe how little screen time they gave Bubo in the remake?! The single biggest mistake they made, and by the gods, they made a few
Overcooked is only fun if everyone is terrible or everyone is great. It's a great concept but definitely not going to work out for most groups.
For Mario kart, did you put on some bots? Without the NPCs, 2 player is lame, even if you are both quite good.
Have you played It Takes Two? This sounds like it hits your requirements.
For couch coop, I'd actually suggest Mario Deluxe over the very recent Mario Wonder if you wanted to try a side scroller. Wonder is great, but it's couch coop is poorly implemented unless you are both good or both terrible as with overcooked. Deluxe doesn't have that issue, in my opinion, due to the way the scrolling works in game. It might feel odd spending $60 on a 10 year old game from the WII U, but Nintendo originals always hold up well.
I suggest memes as in the Richard Dawkins original definition, not funny haha memes but shared reproducible culture. We are social creatures, more than any other, and our social development has happened far more quickly than typical evolution ever could.
Quite a bit of human development has been in the category of nurture, as opposed to nature. While humans have changed little biologically, I have an "appendage" in my hand that can communicate with an individual in space. Memes replicate and evolve much more quickly than genes do.
A light. Don't be a savage :P
Odd. Any idea how that happened? I wonder if the 24h cycle to a new puzzle isn't global.
The thing about these ones is that he is a side character for multiple movies. Both series had large casts and he was a key component to small sections of each. Large pay for little work is ideal. It's not that he didn't go all in. Just went all in for less time.