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[–] demonquark 9 points 10 months ago

The US does have its long track record of doing the wrong thing to uphold.

[–] demonquark 84 points 10 months ago (1 children)

Totally agree. Microsoft has invested way too much in openAI to have a repeat of the Sam Altman debacle. They will formalize their control of te company. And Altman has already shown that in conflict between the board and MS, he’s on Microsoft’s side.

Also, any openAI developer who thinks that openAI currently is an independent company is kidding themselves. Microsoft is effectively already calling the shots, al be it in a roundabout way.

[–] demonquark 16 points 10 months ago (5 children)

None of these events are noteworthy by themselves. Max they merit part of a sentence as an example of an ongoing trend.

Exception if one of the events turns out to be a handy symbolic point to indicate a change in the world order.

E.g. Serious human contribution to global warming which started in the early 20th century kept a pace and peaked in the early 21st century. Public opinion began to sour after an increased occurrence of climate disasters, such as tsunamis and forest fires.

Or: The Russian successor state to the soviet union did make token efforts to reassert its power in Eastern Europe, such as the 2021 war in Ukraine. However those efforts ultimately proved futile and by 20xx all former Warsaw pact countries, excluding Russia itself, had joined the European union.

[–] demonquark 12 points 10 months ago

The money doesn’t matter.

We all know he ran it into the ground. However the twitter trademark is still worth something. It’s probably the only part of company worth buying. Which is ironic given that he changed the name. Regardless, someone might be willing to pay ~1 billion for it.

Which is what a smart ceo would do. Musk is not smart. He’s a spoiled little brat. Musk’s ego can’t handle the fact that anyone who buys twitter could make the company profitable (something he failed at spectacularly) by doing the exact opposite of whatever the fuck he’s doing. I.e. by proving that all his ideas are stupid.

[–] demonquark 6 points 10 months ago (1 children)

Thirteen years of right wing policies, that have left the country fed up and unaffordable. And what does the electorate conclude. we weren’t right wing enough >.<

Oh well, the people have spoken. Let’s see how long this shit show lasts.

[–] demonquark 45 points 11 months ago (2 children)

I wouldn’t trust anything “found” by Israeli intelligence. Having said that, according to article, these are plans for:

Hamas units to surround and infiltrate villages and target places where civilians, including children, gather.

Which is reasonably close to what happened. Given how direct and quick the strike was, it’s reasonable to assume that plans of that nature exist.

Then again, October 7th was a a Saturday and a holiday and Hamas attacked early in the morning. If they wanted to kidnap kids, it wouldn’t make sense to target schools.

TLDR: I dunno. Maybe.

[–] demonquark 6 points 11 months ago

I joke, in bad taste. You are right, though The facts are clear. Most people who are suicidal are just looking for a way to stop some type of suffering.

Having said that, I do think it’s important to recognize that this does not apply to all “suicides.” An old person who wants to end their life, because they feel that they’ve lived a full life is technically suicidal. They deserve the right to end their life.

[–] demonquark 10 points 11 months ago (3 children)

Speak for yourself.

[–] demonquark 6 points 11 months ago (2 children)

I agree with the article. This is annoying problem with tech types. There’s this belief that we can and want to automate a lot of tasks. Do things “more efficiently” by cutting out the human element. Which is a terrible approach to education. Teaching needs teachers. It’s an inherently social activity. Cut out the people, you cut out the learning.

[–] demonquark 4 points 11 months ago

Note the maybe, but whatever. Tell you what. Name one post-carter president who was better than Carter. Dude doesn’t have to be good, just better than Carter.

[–] demonquark 19 points 11 months ago (6 children)

Jimmy Carter may have not have been a great president and the US government may have sone some shitty things while he was in charge, but he is probably the most upstanding American president of the last half century. Pretty much everyone after (with maaaybe the exception of Obama) has been of lesser character.

Which, now that I’ve written it out, sounds really sad. The best the country could do was Jimmy Carter, who … wasn’t great.

[–] demonquark 7 points 11 months ago (1 children)

Holy shit. I completely forgot about download managers.

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