Yeah, I actually had the dough in a proofing basket we got at the course (on our 3 hr drive home), which worked great. Ah right, TIL of bread lames, that's what our instructor had :)
Thanks a lot! I agree, I was afraid to go too deep on the scoring. Our baker on the course had a cool scalpel like tool with just the right height on the blade, but at home I was limited to knives and scissors and I sort of errored on the side of caution.
Have you tried accessing your service url from inside the Traefik container? Eg. wget Also you seem to be accessing the service url with https, which usually requires insecureSkipVerify=true. Otherwise you might get http-500 error downstream.
How about the Traefik access logs (separate from the main log), do they reveal anything?
Just a few thoughts:
- Did you enable access logs in Traefik as well as setting global log level to debug? This usually gives a lot more info about whats going on
- Are the containers using the same docker network or host network, so they can reach each other?
I like how the license explicitly says the you can't use it if your product/service has more than 700 million monthly active users in the preceding calendar month. I wonder if even OpenAI has that many active users, can't have right?
Yes, for many years now. Big fan as well :)
Speculating here, but I think it may be difficult to use Sora to generate "persistent" characters across scenes and thereby telling an actual story.
Except stuff like push notifications, that requires the pwa to be added to home screen.
Same people and companies that buy high-end headsets such as Varjo XR-4.
Be fitting for my level of creativity I suppose :D