
joined 2 years ago
[–] decerian 12 points 2 months ago

The episode is "My Screw Up" (S3E14) if anyone is wondering.

I might actually prefer "My Lunch" from S5 as an episode, but they are both fantastic.

[–] decerian 34 points 4 months ago (1 children)

Nonsense! Zoidberg's a fine physician. For Aliens. Your mistake is being human!

[–] decerian 76 points 4 months ago (8 children)

I disagree there - peer review as a system isn't designed to catch fraud at all, it's designed to ensure that studies that get published meet a minimum standard for competence. Reviewers aren't asked to look for fake data, and in most cases aren't trained to spot it either.

Whether we need to create a new system that is designed to catch fraud prior to publication is a whole different question.

[–] decerian 2 points 5 months ago (1 children)

I actually usually feel the same way as you about most trick-taking games, so I usually avoid them.

I did play "Scout" with my group a couple months ago, and found it to be pretty good, so you could give that one a try.

[–] decerian 4 points 5 months ago (2 children)

Senate seats can't be altered much shifting the lines on the map because there's two per state, what you take from one you give to the other

Senate seats are ALWAYS state-wide elections, with no district lines to draw or gerrymander. Gerrymandering still arguably has an impact on senate elections, but it's a secondary factor of reducing turnout and not a primary factor of just picking the best districts.

[–] decerian 14 points 6 months ago (2 children)

I feel like you can do both these days, can't you? Hades was one of the first to break this ground.

[–] decerian 5 points 6 months ago (1 children)

Well, yes and no.

Quantum computers will likely never beat classical computing on classical algorithms, for exactly the reasons you stated, classical just has too much of a head start.

But there are certain problems with quantum algorithms that are exponentially faster than the classical algorithms. Quantum computers will be better on those problems very quickly, but we are still working on building reliable QCs. Also, we currently don't know very many quantum algorithms with that degree of speedup, so as others have said there isn't many use cases for QCs yet.

[–] decerian 6 points 6 months ago (1 children)

This isn't a "comic book" universe, but the parahumans story universe (Worm and Ward) fits this pretty well.

Without spoiling too much of the story, characters all get powers in response to traumatic events. The powers they get also tend to reflect the type of trauma that occurred, so if they lost an arm they might get a healing power, or if they were trapped in a burning building they might get the ability to phase through walls and a resistance to fire. All of the powers in the setting tend to follow this approach, and stay within the rules of the setting.

[–] decerian 5 points 8 months ago

Is Sicario an adaptation? I can't find any reference that it is.

Also, Prisoners is technically an adaptation of a short-story, but it's a not very well known short-story (I don't even see a name for the story on Wikipedia) from the writer of the screen play, so you could make an argument that the short story is essentially just a first draft of the script.

I do agree that we should just let him continue doing whatever he wants, he's done excellent work.

[–] decerian 15 points 8 months ago (1 children)

What is this garbage? If I own a house/gold/collectable/toilet paper during covid/... and the value goes up, am I supposed to pay taxes?

Yes, you are supposed to pay taxes on that (or on the house specifically). It's called property taxes.

If the value goes up, you pay more taxes the next year, if the value goes down you pay less.

[–] decerian 5 points 8 months ago

I'm not sure the ownership situation of the company, but it is also independently in bankruptcy so I think that is being dealt with later

[–] decerian 15 points 9 months ago (1 children)

After a few years the orbit will degrade enough that it'll start to fall back to earth. At that point, the satellite will either burn up completely on re-entry, or partially and the rest will fall to earth.

Either way, each of these satellites will be completely gone from orbit after a few years.

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