Or simply just wait. Subscription pending seems to go away after a while. And federation seems mostly to work, even though subs are listed as subscription pending.
I mean. I'm not talking about the actual cost of making the device but rather the total cost. Ie the cost to their bottom line.
The cheapest would probably be to make a single device with a replaceable battery, and weld the battery in place outside of Europe, but that would probably be so blatant that they would get in trouble.
It probably boils down to what costs the most, making a universal model for everywhere, or making a European model and a separate "screw you" model for the rest of the world.
Det funker selv om det står pending, og pending forsvinner som regel etter et par dager. Såvidt jeg vet skjer det når serveren er overbelastet og ikke bekrefter federeringen med en gang. Men som sagt, har ikke opplevd at det faktisk påvirker selve federeringen.
Cool shot
Got my first phone in 1997, and I have yet to experience a charger needing to be replaced.
Må si jeg er glad for at jeg valgte lemmy.world. (dog opprettet også en konto på lemmy.ml men har ikke brukt den). Vil heller leve med litt trolling og slikt enn å være i et ekkokammer/"safe space". Viktig å får utfordret mine syn på ting og tang i ny og ned.
That would be up to the admin of each individual instance owner how to handle that on their instance.
Combine that with the fact that most experienced admins can work a lot faster in a CLI compared to GUI, and the fact that a CLI allows you to replicate previous actions with no effort.
The post lagging seems to be front end only. So far I've had no issue simply refreshing the page when it hangs.
Her er forøvrig hele pressemeldingen fra Oslo kommune: https://aktuelt.oslo.kommune.no/ekstraordin%C3%A6rt-forbud-mot-bruk-av-ild-i-oslo-kommune
Sier sitt om alvorlighetsgraden at de også forbyr primus. Kan ikke huske at det har skjedd før i Oslo.
I stumbled across it a couple of years ago. Bookmarked it with a "look into" flag, and promptly forgot about it. Then, with all the reddit fuss I remembered and figured it was about time.