Awesome! Both changes work great!
I guess remembering the last setting would cover most use cases... people who wanted it open all the time would just need to open it once, but would also have the ability to dismiss it when needed and have that be remembered.
That would presumably mean that the setting should be something like "remember navigation sidebar state".
Alternatively, have the setting take three states: start closed, start open, remember last.
I guess they would reply "define disrespectful".
It's the old alternative facts thing again, right? We can throw out examples of Christian disrespect all day long - oppression of women, being against bodily autonomy, mistreatment of gays, conflicts and wars against other religions over some nuance of an ancient script. But they would just shrug and say its all moral because its all in the bible, and slip right back into citing the USSR or the Nazis.
They're working with different definitions.
Like how Wendy Wright constantly talks about a "loving god"... but probably believes in the concept of hell, an eternal torture dimension that her loving god willingly created.
I think the mere act of debating them gives them credibility. They've developed a particularly effective tactic of throwing out claim after claim which can't easily be refuted by the rational debater. There's just too much nonsense to cover, and precise answers require time and thought.
None of the claims have merit of course, but they stick in the mind of the sympathetic observer as something that simply couldn't be argued against. This tactic used to be called the "Gish Gallop", and it works very well for them. Unfortunately, the only effective way of countering it is to not engage in the first place.
I spent many, many internet hours a few decades ago having such circular "debates" with creationists. Too many hours. I'm pretty sure I never convinced a single one of them and eventually lost interest. Even formidable and patient intellects like Dawkins won't win these discussion... it's too late for the Wendy Wrights, the Ken Hams, the Duane Gishs, their damage is total and irreversible.
The real fight is much earlier, in education and upbringing. Not just in giving kids a deep and thorough understanding of science (though that is important), but in giving them the ability to discern good sources of information from bad sources of information. Sadly, this is the very thing that the likes of Wendy Wright fight against...
There's a telling moment in this debate, where Wright dismisses science as a "kind of religion". It's like deep down she knows that religious thinking is sloppy, unreliable, built on shaky foundations. And yet...
Agree! It's so much better than any other Lemmy UI, and the recent addition of theme tweaking improves it even more.
My personal wishlist is down to just two or three fairly easy fixes from being perfect (links from comments to open in new tab, sidebar to stay open after refresh).
Don't drag the Sinclair into this American mess!
Isn't it weird how music streaming has managed to remain a preferable option to the high seas, but video streaming has become so enshittified that it's easier to not use it?
I have a line in my budget called "disposable" which is a fixed amount per month that I'm perfectly happy to spend on me. It covers entertainments, videogames, books, anything that isn't strictly necessary, but is enjoyable.
I keep this largely the same every year, not even adjusting it for pay rises etc. It's a non-negotiable amount (unless things get really dire!) and helps me to understand what I have available to "waste". Keeping it at a static amount helps to divert any extra into savings and investments, and helps me to avoid lifestyle creep.
Pretty good. It's my default morning scroll, at least.
I've got a lot more comfortable with it since using Alexandrite on desktop and Sync on mobile.
The only thing really missing at the moment is content. It tends to be good for the high profile stuff, but a bit lacking for the niche stuff. I still sneak back to the other place on occasion to catch up on smaller communities... hopefully that will come with time.
Amazing! Thanks! (and I love the inline settings links!)
I'm looking forward to it! I bought it on Steamdeck, but had to refund because I couldn't get it to run decently... felt I would be doing it a disservice with all the compromises. So I'm not waiting for the PS5 release...