
joined 4 years ago
[–] [email protected] 7 points 9 months ago (1 children)

See, I look at this and then I look at crying liberals (including many so-called leftists) talking about how Trump winning again will bring mask off fascism or whatever to the US and for that reason they claim Biden/Kamala has to win again.

And well uh it’s here, the Dems are bringing it, and this is the type of proof you should rub their noses in (not that they’ll care because fascism is when support whatever countries US State dept deems authoritarian in their addled heads).

[–] [email protected] 9 points 9 months ago (1 children)

I’d point to the people in China awaiting execution or already executed for corruption.

You do that in the west you get a slap on the wrist fine, at absolute most if you’re like Jack Abramoff you go to prison for a few years.

[–] [email protected] 37 points 9 months ago

It’s an imitation of liberals. Caitlin is one of the more prominent social media anti-imperialists.

[–] [email protected] 17 points 9 months ago

Passive voice. Very big propaganda tell once you know it.

[–] [email protected] 15 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

I mean yes, women are somewhat more empathetic (socialization, toxic masculinity, etc) BUT I would challenge this as I challenge all polls/surveys on such things as to if they defined socialism for the participants and what they defined it as. Because 95% of the people for socialism in polls when asked without clarification consider it Bernie-Sanderism or basically welfare capitalism, social democracy, the so-called nordic models.

Ask the same question but use communism and watch those numbers among both sexes absolutely plummet to irrelevancy.

People want better conditions but sadly they still believe the propaganda about evil communism and thus have no meaningful path to those conditions.

Socialism in the context of western polls should always until proven otherwise result in an immediate mental substitution of the word "social democracy with lots of welfare and safety nets".

The west is a mess. Hope springs eternal of course but well I really doubt the west can decline fast enough that I'll live to see the revolution.

Honestly I would be interested in a poll that polls about support for communism, Marxism, etc and a breakdown of that along gender/racial lines but I doubt the polling companies will ever have an interest in doing that because those who want to fearmonger about socialism only need this inflated definition and many liberal academics believe Marxism dead so asking about it pointless.

[–] [email protected] 9 points 9 months ago

It depends on what kind of person.

I frankly wouldn't be able to trust someone apathetic about politics in the increasingly repressive situation we face in the future in the west (or well in general, how can you look at police brutality against black people and shrug and say you simply don't have an opinion, being apolitical in the US is tantamount to saying you're comfortable with the status quo and can afford to not care. Which is different to be clear than being for progressive politics but checking out because of despair, mental health reasons, feeling a lack of progress, feeling it adds too much stress, etc. Like I get that, I don't watch the bourgeois propaganda called news anymore because it's just lies and it upsets me. I don't need to know every development within the charade of domestic politics).

A well-meaning Bernie-Sanders type that supports Cuba and doesn't fully believe imperialist propaganda about the latest AES atrocities, sure. But someone who just kind of ignores your politics to be with you and who disagrees or "doesn't have an opinion" (especially the latter as that's just an empty head waiting to be filled and if they're not letting you fill it, sooner or later their liberal friends, the state, bourgeois propaganda will) can just as easily wake up one day and think "oh shit, the news is right, I'm with a dangerous commie".

People don't want to hear it because they think love conquers all or some such but the reality is couples fight, break up, grow apart for all kinds of reasons having nothing to do with the entire propaganda apparatus of state and nation-wide peer pressure bearing down on them. Sure you have the possibility of having to contend with his/her friends saying you're an extremist and they should get away from you even if you're not a communist simply because their friends take a disliking to you, but when you are a communist the chance is much higher and as the contradictions heighten it only gets worse.

I guess I'd ask whether someone only tolerating that side of you by ignoring it won't jump ship the moment their friends and society start pressing them too hard on what a horrible person you are because (propaganda). Fair weather love for anyone is easy, as is the first year or two where the passion is hot, its whether they have any tolerance for stormy seas after things cool a little that I guess I think matters.

So having a good foundation not built on apoliticism of one partner for the other's beliefs is I think important. They don't have to be an ML but they can't be the type of empty-headed liberal who frankly is just waiting to be turned into an anti-communist liberal who at the very least looks at you with contempt and thinks you're delusional and irrational. Obviously if they're empty-headed and are receptive to theory and education that's one thing, being the type who gets stressed or looks distant at the mere mention of politics, theory, capitalism, exploitation is another.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 9 months ago

Most household varieties of hydrogen peroxide and vinegar aren't concentrated/strong enough to make paracetic acid. You'd need vinegar of a much higher than 6% concentration typically sold and ideally higher concentration peroxide than the drug store kind (like the kind you could get for industrial applications without a special permit). Not that you should mix household cleaners without a clear understanding of the chemistry but I'm just doubtful this is a risk for most people who don't have access to commercial strength varieties of both.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

No. I'm too busy seething at the incredible low quality garbage Marvel/Disney and everyone else churns out to stop and be too angry about that. I just keep reminding myself the quality of art/culture will improve after the revolution and not before. Right now I must suffer the decay and pain of having garbage shoved in my face and having other people effusively tell me how great it is. Not even getting into the propaganda which is awful, on the merits, technical/story-telling etc level it's just a wasteland out there and I weep. Lots of slop. Not that I don't occasionally find a piece I guiltily enjoy.

Though admittedly I kind of avoid the worst offenders. I mean I do enjoy older media and I guess I excuse it as it was just that way back then, they were just sexist, racist, homophobic etc (I cringe at the really in your face stuff but the casual pervasive things not so much). To me it's all an academic exercise. I know what I'm watching is a reflection of a time and place and type of thinking. I think older stuff actually helps in that I can say it just was that way whereas if you shove some 2 year old Marvel movie stuffed full of end of history liberal nonsense that raises my hackles because hey, these people are around me and they're annoying and smug and gah.

I zero in on like subversive elements in older movies too and I think in a way modern movies are much less subversive in ways that matter, end of history and all that nonsense rotting people's brains. Take just as an example Terminator 2, the main bad guy robot is a cop and he's a cop for a reason and Cameron has stated that's because cops see themselves as better than other humans, they're apart from us, they use violence, etc so in what's otherwise a mindless effects and explosion-fest you have these little nuggets to chew on. Truly dangerous to capital they're not but at least they're not full of the open militarism you see in films these days, worship for the US military, America-Fuck-Yeah stuff even if there are no military it's American scientists or cops or researchers.

Side-track but fucking fuck Arrival. Fuck the writers. Writing America as the country that has reasonable, rational researchers who discover the aliens don't want war, meanwhile the irrational Chinese/Asians are so war-like and aggressive (just like in real life the writers want to nudge you, whereas America in real life they nudge you, is just like the protagonist) they get bent on a warpath with the aliens and act exactly as the US would act in actuality in trying to rally everyone to attack them.

So I guess I could say I don't feel guilty because I get annoyed if it's too bad and then I just stop. As to guilt, it's what I have. I speak English, I live in the west, the US is the primary media creator, only China remains and very little of their content gets even subtitles let alone a dub.

[–] [email protected] 20 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

And the US literally occupying and having the right to take control of the south’s armed forces along with practicing annually decapitating strikes to kill Kim and the leadership of the north as part of a broader attack while stationing tens of thousands of aggressive American troops and docking nuclear capabilities subs isn’t?!!?!

Fuck off lap dog is the only thing to say to this man.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 9 months ago

Escalation seems inevitable. Biden doesn’t want to appear weak, has no off-ramps in an election year and his pawn is failing to nobly carry out human wave attacks in sufficient numbers to press the Russians.

I worry the upcoming NATO war-games are actually a disguised mobilization and they’re going to push into Ukraine in an attempt to force a conflict freeze that they desire to avoid a loss. Thing is, while the US can afford a write-down on the expenses and loans, they’d rather not so I think they’re becoming increasingly unhinged in their desperation to find a lever that lets them retain a Ukraine to exploit and arm.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 9 months ago

No idea. I’d personally rip it with YT-DLP with subs and put it on plex or similar but if you don’t have such a setup that may be more work than it’s worth.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) (3 children)

YouTube used to have the whole thing. Let me check my bookmarks and get back to you.

edit: And here you go: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A74YChOkSpY&list=PLJpCdaWK6PVpeWbeUSjw4dBWt5IKK5Buj&index=1

Not sure if it's the whole thing but it's many, many episodes with English subtitles.

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