
joined 2 years ago

Creating objects is a very basic task. Although this seems like a simple problem, it can be improved by using patterns like builder and factory.

Web Push Book (web-push-book.gauntface.com)

Web push book provides all the information you need to learn about the web push API.


Building a graph is a pretty straight forward task in D3.js, but I’ve had a hard time understanding how to update them. This is a try to explain why.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago

My experience is the same, the companies I've worked at had not only female designers, so I cannot really relate that part from the article. However, I think the rest is spot on, there is really a gap between design and coding, which causes websites to have fundamental issues.


Exploring the reasons why we no longer have web designers.


The practice of keeping all commits green can help create better software faster. Let’s explore why.


This series of blog posts and corresponding talks aims to provide you with a pragmatic view on containers from a historic perspective. Together we will discover modern cloud architectures layer by…


Click here to see how I turned ~170 lines of code in moder vanilla JavaScript in TodoMVC.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

I have even mentioned stacking contexts in the article, and the thing is that they are not only introduce with z-index, which makes them even more complex :-/ So yeah, it certainly helps if you understand them, but I think it does not make the problem less complex.


Whenever I use z-indexes, I am going to regret it at some point, especially with libraries utilizing components. Let’s see if we can avoid them all together.


"Stick to boring architecture for as long as possible, and spend the majority of your time, and resources, building something your customers are willing...


It's popular to say we can’t agree on Tailwind, but I posit we actually already do. I think what we actually disagree on isn’t the details of this (or any) specific software; it's in what we value, and how we each define assets and liabilities.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 year ago

I mean it is not really inline styles, with inline styles only it is e.g. not possible to implement a hover style AFAIK. I think the inventor has written a blog post explaining the steps, is that what you are referring to? I also read that, and it kinda makes sense, but basically giving up on development tools to work properly is kind of a high trade IMO.

I would also be interested in seeing a performance benchmark. As the article says, gzip will probably make the difference in terms of network traffic negligible, but it would be interesting to see the impact it has on parsing HTML.


There's a worrying trend in modern web development, where developers are throwing away decades of carefully wrought systems for a bit of perceived convenience. Tools such as Tailwind CSS seem to be spreading like wildfire, with very few people ever willing to acknowledge the regression they bring to our field. And I'm getting tired of it


Presentations can be created using markdown, a plain file format. There are some available options, but let’s see why it pays off to build your own solution.

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