I have even mentioned stacking contexts in the article, and the thing is that they are not only introduce with z-index
, which makes them even more complex :-/ So yeah, it certainly helps if you understand them, but I think it does not make the problem less complex.
joined 2 years ago
I mean it is not really inline styles, with inline styles only it is e.g. not possible to implement a hover style AFAIK. I think the inventor has written a blog post explaining the steps, is that what you are referring to? I also read that, and it kinda makes sense, but basically giving up on development tools to work properly is kind of a high trade IMO.
I would also be interested in seeing a performance benchmark. As the article says, gzip will probably make the difference in terms of network traffic negligible, but it would be interesting to see the impact it has on parsing HTML.
My experience is the same, the companies I've worked at had not only female designers, so I cannot really relate that part from the article. However, I think the rest is spot on, there is really a gap between design and coding, which causes websites to have fundamental issues.