
joined 2 years ago
[–] dai 1 points 1 year ago

My nexus one had an OLED display iirc, thing had huge volumes of burnin after 12 months.

I've not seen burnin on any of my subsequent devices, my S10+ is still going strong since 2019. Shame about the Samsung soc.

[–] dai 2 points 1 year ago

Compatibility for games will be the same under Nix as they are Debian, Ubuntu or Arch. If your using steam just toggle compatibility and you'll be set for most titles under that launcher. I've ditched windows in favour of Linux, jumped between Debian, Manjaro and settled with nix.

Nix has been around for 20+ years now, it's quite mature at this stage, but has lots of features under development.

For me, nix is a reproducible environment, the same code for my install will build the same working system with the same configuration for applications even if a drive goes bad.

My sensitive data is stored elsewhere, but my keybinds, themes and wallpapers, colour schemes for applications and even settings in those applications will be the same on a fresh install (so long as I've defined them πŸ˜…)

Majority of my config is identical between different machines, lots of reused config with minimal machine specific config.

[–] dai 1 points 1 year ago (1 children)

You running anything from nix-hardware on your system? I know my laptop has a flake there that installs a few applications & fixes small things like hardware buttons for the ga401: https://github.com/NixOS/nixos-hardware/blob/master/asus/zephyrus/ga401/default.nix

I'm running unstable on both machines, with nix-hardware for my laptop only.

[–] dai 1 points 1 year ago (3 children)

Just don't run X applications πŸ˜…

I've seen no issues on my setup, might just be luck of the draw? What hyprland build are you running? What issues are you seeing?

[–] dai 2 points 1 year ago (5 children)

Works fine on my laptop (1650 hybrid) and desktop (3070 no iGPU)

Under NixOS on both machines, no xwayland.

  programs.hyprland = {
    enable = true;
    enableNvidiaPatches = true;

Is the basics to get it up and running under NixOS + HomeManager

[–] dai 8 points 1 year ago

Sounds like bait but I'll bite.

Most singleplayer titles work perfectly fine under Linux. Majority of my steam library runs with compatibility toggled in steam.

I've got a Switch Pro controller, no issues via Bluetooth or Cable connection. Gives me battery readouts via Dunst

Running Wayland with an NVIDIA GPU in both my systems.

[–] dai 1 points 1 year ago

I believe you can disable your Facebook account but still use Messenger, couple of my friends don't have a profile but can still message.

[–] dai 1 points 1 year ago

Depends on where you live, Australia I believe use Messenger more than other applications.

WhatsApp didn't catch on here outside of the big cities.

[–] dai 1 points 1 year ago

Yeah since using NIX for a couple of months now I moved away from KDE, you could customize KDE with home-manager however you would be writing out stacks of home.file lines as KDE is all over the shop when it comes to configuration. IIRC there is a module for KDE to help however it looked like a bigger time sink than I wanted.

For example my hyprpaper config is as such:

home.file."dots/config/hypr/hyprpaper.conf" = {
    text = ''
      preload = ~/nixos/wallpaper/1.jpg
      preload = ~/nixos/wallpaper/2.jpg
      preload = ~/nixos/wallpaper/3.jpg
      preload = ~/nixos/wallpaper/4.jpg
      wallpaper = eDP-1, ~/nixos/wallpaper/1.jpg

Same can be done for KDE's config however you'll run into issues changing settings manually from memory. I'm quite happy with hyprland as there are less moving parts compared to a complete package (gnome / kde), everything that's installed (probably) has a purpose for my use-case.

[–] dai 4 points 1 year ago (2 children)

That's why I love Nix, moving my hyprland configuration from my laptop to my desktop was almost seamless. All my keybinds, wallpapers and applications were up and running with a couple of commands.

There are a couple of hardware specific configs for my laptop and desktop but once I split those out it's smooth sailing.

[–] dai 1 points 1 year ago

Being on NIX I'm very jealous of the volumes of documentation for Arch. Found my way to the Arch wiki a few times.

[–] dai 5 points 1 year ago

Yep my other packages manage everything else, transmission is rarely logged into on the GUI side. KISS

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