Those are some nice reprint but I don't dig the artstyle of Duskmourn. Except for couple of cool monsters it's meh to me. Same here
An amazing name with an amazing art for a flying 2/3
I love artwork from older D&D books. BG3 fanservice is meh for me but oh boi that art from AD&D just hits different
First thing that came in to my mind was Gears of War with its specific third person view and hiding behind covers. I don't think it was the first game with that mechanic but the most influential one
Once you finish New Vegas you will "forget" to post screenshots, right? It was just a way to sell New Vegas to others?
I respect that.
I think they meant Owlcat Games, creators of Pahtfinder Kingmaker and Wrath of the Righteous video games. They are based in Cyprus but their developers are all over the place from what I know (so it's more Europe-Asia kind of thing but I may be wrong)
They always buy the brand or patents and that's all.
Least controversial artist
Starting? It's been couple of years now since they opened the flood gates of new products
At least Mystery Booster is first and foremost reprints. There's never too much reprints
Didn't you hear? D&D is Baldur's Gate now
Baikal i Radicale to proste do postawienia serwery CalDAV. Oczywiscie mogą działac tylko w sieci lokalnej, wszystko zalezy od Twojego setupu. Jesli nie robisz zadnego port forwardingu to domyslnie bedą dostępne tylko w sieci domowej. Sam korzystam z Baikal i uzywam aplikacji DavX^5 na Androidzie do synchronizacji co dzieje sie automatycznie jak połącze sie z moim wifi