More like episode 7, episode 8, and episode 9
Or Palpatine, Vader, and Palpatine again. Malicious and generally incompetent.
More like episode 7, episode 8, and episode 9
Or Palpatine, Vader, and Palpatine again. Malicious and generally incompetent.
Some classics in there for sure. For those that haven't played it, Oni was a quiet favorite of mine from around then. I don't think it got a lot of attention at the time, or even today. This was Bungie near the end of its Mac-first pre-Halo era.
You might like The Orville, too.
I loved Lower Decks, and I hope somehow those stories continue. Did people who are new to Star Trek enjoy it, too?
As an aside, I think that was something that made Prodigy fantastic: it was a serialized program with episodic stories that didn't require any understanding of Star Trek beforehand. The main characters weren't part of the Federation, so the audience got to learn alongside them.
The insurance industry does, and the insurance industry is apparently part of the US government, so yeah I guess it does.
The original version (or is it the first remake?) is still on Steam and runs great. I just finished it a few months ago.
Does redoing the graphics of a relatively modern-game make it worth $60? I'm interested in understanding the perspective of folks that are planning to buy.
Issue is doctors don't know what might get them fired, have their license revoked or suspended, or facing civil or criminal charges.
Without Lower Decks, it feels like there will be much less to talk about, anyway.
I love the city skyline. Especially at night.
The distribution of the months is interesting.
A few episodes of Futurama. You can guess which ones.