I disagree. I think a lot of people share my opinion.
whatever gets struggling folks paid is good in my book.
Yeah it's a good thing that drug addicts are forced into selling their bodies to support their habits. What a gross comment. I happen to think that's bad.
it’s just another skill she has that opened some other doors for her
I wouldn't call undressing for gross perverts online a skill, but to each to their own. Glad to see she's doing better but I'm not sure I would consider selling your body to buy a cheap laptop a success case quite yet. You can get enough money to buy a laptop in a couple weeks working at mcdonalds and you didn't have to let creepy guys jack off to you in the process.
Cool, you have no shame for your actions. Glad you are able to live with your choices. A lot of people can't though.
https://www.floridatoday.com/story/news/crime/2018/08/13/white-man-shoots-black-man-florida-stand-your-ground/977563002/ https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/white-man-attacks-black-youtube-prankster-for-grabbing-his-luggage-at-the-airport-and-pretending-to-run-off-with-it-video/ar-AA16K3b0 https://www.fair360.com/video-white-customer-attacks-black-mcdonalds-employee-she-fights-him-off-2/ https://www.dailydot.com/irl/white-man-attacks-black-teen-belt-video/
wait I thought that never happened, whats all this? Sounds like you aren't being honest
what? It's okay to admit that you were wrong.
Sex isn’t holy. It’s a need that we all have, like water, food, and oxygen
You don't need sex. You sound like an incel with that kind of rhetoric. You can survive 100% fine without sex, but you can't without water, food and oxygen. I seriously hope you aren't that stupid.
do you think its wrong when the media says white man?
What's the point of bringing up that it was a park in the context of a conversation about sex being private? Backpedalling coward.
Do you recognize the difference between artistic pieces and pornography? One is art, the other exists solely to let perverted old men jack off to you.