His hoodie shtick is a PR stunt to make him more appealing to people like you who lap it up.
https://twitter.com/PelosiTracker_ some good insight into the kind of shit these politicians are up to. surprisingly nancy pelosi is a very talented stock trader!
Would love to see some bipartisan support for banning congress members from trading stocks. Both sides are doing it to such a degree that they are more likely to be replaced before any legislation regarding this gets passed. Obligatory Nancy Pelosi Stock Tracker link: https://twitter.com/PelosiTracker_/
it's always funny when people who don't get the joke sperg out how it wasn't funny when they are told
the guy in question just liked some run of the mill conservative influencers
its called a joke
remember when two highschool students solved a 4000 year old unsolved mathematical proof https://www.wfla.com/news/education/teens-prove-2000-year-old-pythagorean-theorem-school-officials-say/#:~:text=School%20officials%20say%2017%2Dyear,and%20without%20using%20circular%20logic.
who is triggered lol just posting my opinion on a discussion forum, take a chill pill
having guns is fun. hunting is fun. it's also nice to know I can protect my property should someone try to perform a home invasion. guns are fun as fuck