Anyone who's on the stainless steel knife can tell you that!
A.d you know that Russia is just lying
It's really hard to see that Latino's just can't see that they're voting against their interest when they vote conservative, at least in this country.
Way to go, Barb!
Local will never take off tho.theres only one way that can happen and that one thing will never. It is if we broke up all the big social media companies.
I see we're going with this, but it wouldn't work. As there are already alternatives within the larger social media framework, like subreddits and sublemmings? How the hell you want to say it. With the point still stands, that regional social media will never work as there will always be better alternatives within a bigger social media platform
This says more about the cops than it does about the kid. Maybe confirm what you're getting into before you go? And not just 100% trust random info you get?
This is so I'll the cops fault.
All the whole not upgrading the resolution to be compatible with 4K TVs
How do I use it? I downloaded it but I don't see the apps on it
When making the concorde, the engineers couldn't break the sound barrier until they put the like 6 ft long needle at the front of the plane.
Could we possibly get an app that actually fucking works on mobile? Piped is bullshit