And that's ok, but you'd think they would be in the 4k space by now
The last truly next gen console Nintendo made was the N64. They've been stagnant for decades now.
I was getting so pissed musta done it for an hour before I quit to save my controller from flying
Ah, could be that, I always reset after getting a scale
Well I already bought and had delivered the dongle, and ok the cables I've tried didn't dnt fix the issue, so I'll just stay with this
I've tried three. All different speeds
After talking to people that's my thinking
I know, but it has improved dramatically, with brighter and crisper screen actually looks high definition. Maybe the dock I got is faulty
If you're doing it right, you will. And if you don't feel like you're going to break the ribs, you're not doing it hard enough
Yeah, they're always needs to be a checkovs gun for things
Or the entire conflict being assault by just talking to somebody instead of just interpreting what that person was thinking
When Nintendo came out with the OLED model, we all figured I'd come with a resolution and quality upgrade too, but then they said I'd only be the screen that's better and nothing else well, that's another flop. Most people will still play this on a TV and still look like a Wii u