The first generation Hyundai Ioniq 5 had solar roof (at least some models).
The first gen ioniq 5 also had a very low payload capacity, with stories of families who couldn't legally be in the car at the same time without being over the capacity.
The reason, I'm told, is that supporting the solar roof reduced the payload capacity a lot.
Also, solar cells on a car doesn't make much sense like others have already said.
I use dovecot for this. And thunderbird to actually move/archive the emails. I use caddy for many of my services, so I have pointed dovecot to caddys certificates (for "my.domain"), since it manages certificates through let's encrypt. I had a plan to install postfix for sending internal emails from my self-hosted services, but it seemed like a bit of configuration and I got busy with other stuff
I made an excerpt from my docker-compose.yml, but you probably have to figure out some things on your own
contents of ./dovecot folder:
contents of dovecot.conf (I think I searched online to find a good example, I don't remember where from..)