I'm definitely not immune but sometimes an ad is annoying enough I decide I'm done with that company for a few years at least.
Biden obeys law and honored his oath so it's apples to oranges.
In my experience therapy is something my therapist and I do together. My therapist isn't giving me water. The two of us together are finding water that was always there.
It pretty valuable even if you don't change it. He can see what his competitors are being paid. He can correlate it with Twitter's user data to tie political enemies to physical addresses and more.
Not that they won't corrupt it. They will almost certainly alter it to their own ends as well.
100% agreement here. Well written.
Denying reality doesn't work very well here.
If the nation crumbles what do they have control over? If all the systems fail even the resources they hoard within a few miles of themselves and their guards are at risk.
The full article makes more sense. The headline should have been different though.
The enemy of my enemy something something...
How does doubling wealth matter if the systems that give their wealth any value crumble?
Palestinian leaders begged US citizens to vote for Kamala Harris. Sometimes the lesser of two evils is the correct choice.
Does your hate for personality and individuality extend to any other harmless quirks you'd like us all to know about?