Same in Norway, unsurprisingly, but we do say 14 0 0 (fjorten null null) if making it clear that we mean 1400 exact. Otherwise like you said, klokken 14 or klokken 2.
There's plenty of stories online . It's all automated and if it decides you're bad, you're out. No questions asked, no appeals.
~~Google~~ search it up and you'll find many more.
How long until Google says "fuck it" and outright starts banning adblock users? Considering how deep a lot of people are into the Google ecosystem, this is potentially devastating. Imagine losing access to you email, photos, etc., with no way to appeal. Good luck if you want to actually speak to anyone human at Google.
I was taught that dividing the numbers naturally into thirds:
V VI VII VIII (all start with V)
IX X XI XII (all contain X)
Visually looks more "balanced" than having an extra V
Yeah, and a net loss of a bit over $1B. Revenue ≠ money in the bank.
I wonder if they actually considered a reversible design of if this is just being said in hindsight. Reversible connectors were never really a thing I remember hearing about the USB was in its infancy. VGA, DVI, serial, parallel, PS/2, joystick... Nothing was reversible nor was it expected to be.
I plead autocorrect, and that English is my second language 🤣
As much as I'd love to jump on the "stupid Americans" bandwagon, this seems to be a big problem not only in America. After the reddit exodus and before I had a good setup for lemmy, I used Facebook for a short period. Most of my stuff there is from US, UK and Norway, and the number of people in the comments who can barely put together a coherent sentance is astonishing. Far below 6th grade level by any standard.
Advanced > Media viewer > <-- fixed your link
Gotta remove the format=webp&thumbnail=256 part.
How have I not heard of this series? Looks twilight zone-ish? Is it worth a watch?
I don't have it handy, but I came over a github repo showing the different prompts that for example ChatGPT and Bing use - and realized right away why Bing AI is so bad in comparison. MS seems to not know how to write a good prompt, and it show in the quality of their product. Plus the fact that you couldn't even save Bing chat conversations for the longest time, I'm not surprised they're not ahead.