The original aliens movie, saw it when I was far too young and was already scared of aliens haha.
Caffeine, and willpower I guess, followed by a hard crash at the other side haha!
Running on 4 hours sleep and a big day at work, gonna be a rough
Hey I'm Aussie and with you, I like what we call cold in Brisbane, middle of winter and I only wear shorts and t shirt, everyone else here is rugged up like it's the Arctic, I would be happy if my place sat at 18 all day!
No idea sorry, I also had bailed on Reddit by than :(
Hmmmm still a lot of activity, well can just hope we start to get more people migrating over the coming weeks!
No idea myself, I yeeted my Reddit account and have fully migrated here for the moment. It's nicer over here overall,l! Though more activity in the bris community would be good, I am sure it will get busier though!
Poor bot, I am keen to see it happen though, so hi waves
That's would nearly write the car off? That smell would never come out
Already have a month ago, really like it here!
First! Thanks @trk!
Also yay Friday