This wasn't by any chance the same ex president who appointed judges who would later say he was immune from the laws us mortals must follow?
It's easier to imagine the end of the world than to imagine the end of capitalism.
Don't forget Brawndo, it's what computers crave.
Is this back when America was great?
Another not so fun fact is that once the child is married their new spouse is now their guardian. So the child has to have their guardian sign off on legal issues like divorce, or wait till they are of legal age.
The supreme cunts can just change their ruling whenever they feel like it, so as long as it's their boss tRump it's fine but anyone ~~they~~ tRump doesn't like they'll just make another decision saying you can't do that anymore.
It's settled law so not to worry, they can just change their minds later when it doesn't benefit their conservative bosses.
I 100% agree, I was being snarky about the fact that politicians think they should be making medical decisions when most of them have little to no understanding of medical science or just science in general.
What an amazing idea, letting doctors decide what's best for their patients. Maybe this new way of thinking will gain popularity.
Have you seen the interest rates on motorhomes nowadays?
Absolutely, the fact that politics are involved is horrific.
I've got a cat that does the same thing, just licks the gravy, I made the mistake one day of getting the patte, my other cat scarfed it down no problem, but miss priss sat there next to her bowl looking at it then looking at me like um this must be fixed immediately.