
joined 2 years ago
[–] chrisphero 1 points 2 years ago

Genau das, was viele Arbeitgeber propagieren wollen: "Homeoffice funktioniert nicht (wenn selbst die von Zoom das nicht machen), also kommt wieder schön in unsere Kontrolle.”

Tja, so hab ich das noch gar nicht gesehn… aber ja du hast damit leider recht…

Ja komplett, gerade im Großraumbüro ist es unmöglich etwas ungestört ausarbeiten zu können, der Geräuschpegel ist einfach zu groß. Dann kommt noch der Arbeitsweg dazu, kurze Gespräche mit Kollegen (eh nett, aber manchmal muss man hald echt was machen und hat keine Zeit),…

Und es hat ja funktioniert… das ist ja der Witz dran.

[–] chrisphero 2 points 2 years ago (9 children)

Lucky you… I got fooled and bought completely into the hype train (my own fault)… and unfortunately it really wasn’t the game I (and everybody else) was expecting.

But it looks like they put in a lot of work and redid the whole perk system, AI, police, etc.

So I’m positively optimistic, but I’m 100% waiting on some reviews before I buy it.

[–] chrisphero 3 points 2 years ago

My thoughts exactly, Hulk and KMag perform well or well enough to keep them - never change a “winning” team.

And money wise they are also doing quite ok with the MoneyGram deal, if I’m not mistaken.

[–] chrisphero 2 points 2 years ago

Ahh ich verstehe, also Hintergrundgeräusche ≠ Geräusche aus der Umgebung.

Aber schade, optimales aktives Noise-Cancellation wäre schon super gewesen.

[–] chrisphero 2 points 2 years ago (2 children)

Wie die bisherigen Sleepbuds hat auch das neue Modell kein aktives Noise-Cancelling.

Dann können die Hintergrundgeräusche langsam ausgeblendet werden, falls Anwender dies wünschen.

Geht das langsame Ausblenden von Hintergrundgeräuschen nicht nur aktiv, oder denke ich da falsch?

[–] chrisphero 15 points 2 years ago (6 children)

No surprises there tbh.

[–] chrisphero 4 points 2 years ago (2 children)

Die Ironie… was sendet das bitte für ein Bild nach außen?!

[–] chrisphero 2 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago)

I wouldn’t ~~but~~ put my hopes up too much tbh…

I also don’t get why they don’t allow for streaming via PS+

[–] chrisphero 2 points 2 years ago (4 children)

The headset looks the same as Pulse 3D with a breakout mic but costs 50% more?

Exactly my thoughts as well… I assume they will replace the original one?

For me the Pulse 3D headset fits perfectly fine, but I know from a friend of mine who had to replace it, because it was so uncomfortable…

[–] chrisphero 1 points 2 years ago

Oh, I see… I should’ve worded it a bit better.

I don’t know too much about these kind of studies, but it is based on a questionnaire filled out by the parents. I imagine it is quite hard to account for so many variables, since everybody interprets things a bit differently…

[–] chrisphero 2 points 2 years ago

This reminds me of a podcast I heard a while back about waste recycling in germany - where there is basically a fully fledged out plan for waste separation coupled to energy generation (or something like that), but no company wants to invest or switch…

[–] chrisphero 1 points 2 years ago

Exactly! It’s basically “we can choose how to save earth - we have sooo many possibilities”.

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