I am fairly handy and have never had that method fail for anything except screwing into thick metal, in which case I'm tapping threads and using a bolt anyway.
Never do a sinple short. The maximum possible gain is whatever the current price is at, but there is no cap on the potential loss.
Especially don't do this when Trump may order the federal government to buy a bunch of Teslas and make the stock surge again.
You expect unions to remain "legal" if that happens?
The "eleven dozen and seven" is functionally no different from "One hundred and thirty-nine." We'd just have 2 more characters than we do now.
We even have a name for a third digital is base-12. 12 dozen is a "gross".
The Babylonians used base 60, which is neat because it cleanly divides by 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 12, 15, 20, and 30, whereas base 10 has just 2 and 5.
Most of this is fairly recent, and I think it's all available to stream pretty easily.
They literally sent over 150 people to a slave labor camps without due process against a judge's explicit orders.
Techically true. The "Adaptive Fast Charging" was a 2014 15-25W standard from Samsung that could be delivered over Type A.
In 2000, if just 1% of the people who voted for Nader in Florida had voted for Gore instead of throwing away their vote on a third-party, we never would have had Bush as President.
Yes. The best thing we can actually hope for at thCompact. regarding national elections is the national popular vote Interstate compact.
The real solution is to change the party in the primaries.
As flawed as the DNC is, starting a new party will split the non-Republican vote and guarantee the GOP sweeps.
"Change the system!" Yeah - the last Constitutional ammendment that was ratified was in 1992 and had been introduced in the Washington administration.
Don't change a word.
They are the reason I think I severely underestimate that sucess rate of junk mail. They essentially mail me a phone book 5 times a year ro my home and my office and I have ordered exactly zero products from them ever.
It can't be cheap to send all those catalogs, so they must work.