
joined 2 years ago
submitted 9 months ago by chikaygo to c/womenshoes

This community appears somewhat dead but just in case…..

I have a favorite pair of boots that I got well over 15 years ago. I take good care of my shoes but they have seen a lot of wear. I have searched in vain for a similar replacement with no hits and I wonder if anyone either knows of a good lesser known place to shop online…some better search terms, or even if my description below lights up a lightbulb for anyone who might have seen something that matches.

These boots are black suede, platform wedge boots. The platform is pretty decent (1/2” maybe) and the wedge and platform together probably give it about 4” of height. The calf is a VERY loose slouchy calf that stops about mid-calf height and tends to slouch down with wear to slightly lower. Around the ankle there is a subtle buckle and the whole thing pulls together for a kind of fashionable and chic but kinda tough and biker girl look. I guess maybe like sexy motorcycle chick? I can upload a pic if anyone shows any interest.

Anyways. I’ve searched all manner of loose, slouchy, baggy…platform wedge boot. Mostly getting snugger to the calf boots that have a slouched or folded LOOK but not actually one loose slouchy calf.

The suede part isn’t that big of a deal but I think it’s the softer sueded leather that makes it such a loose and kind of saggy calf. They look awesome with skinny jeans and I’m a large calved woman so that’s how I ended up with them in the first place.

Any ideas would be welcomed!

[–] chikaygo 2 points 9 months ago

I have a friend who did this (3D printed the ships) and had it at his wedding.

[–] chikaygo 1 points 9 months ago

In mid to southern Wisconsin it’s your average brown squirrel…but head to the north woods and black squirrels everywhere. I agree with ur family/friends…they’re doubly cute!

[–] chikaygo 4 points 9 months ago

A fox horse! A forse!

[–] chikaygo 12 points 9 months ago

I am early 40s in the accounting industry. Married, no kids, don’t want em. Have cats. Live in the Midwest, a lefty, woman, vegetarian that hates labels (heh heh).

Came to lemmy shortly before the Reddit API fuckaroo after seeing all the posts about the fediverse. Given that I had dropped all social media except Reddit in the prior 2 years due to a combo of crazy people, algorithms and targeted advertising, I was primed for fleeing. I’m tech savvy but not a tech nerd. Open source, Linux, self-hosting, etc all interest me but without having a direct background in tech, I find it difficult to prioritize learning more about it all.

If I wasn’t so entranced by other people’s thoughts and opinions in text form (never generally been a fan of videos/photos as an information medium), I would have cut all ties. This space can honestly be a little too “damn the man” for me, as I like rules and order, but I also feel the frustration of the public and tend to feel somewhat impotent about it. Hence, I think this is about the best fit I’ll find to still be able to connect with the thoughts of people I don’t know and experiences I don’t have.

[–] chikaygo 1 points 10 months ago

Hard Fork - I love the hosts and the current popular tech news Pantsuit Politics - some really thoughtful nuanced views (Sarah can get a little spicy but it’s fun and informative) Knowledge Fight Maintenance Phase (only releasing intermittently right now but the hosts are hilarious and it’s good info about all things health and nutrition…good myth debunking)

And these ones are very popular and probably not unknown to you but I listen to Up First (NPR) and The Daily every single day as they’re good, short to moderate length current news podcasts…relatively unbiased.

I also listen to Pod Save America, Slate Political Gabfest, FiveThirtyEight, The Bulwark and Strict Scrutiny for a wide range of political arenas (lefty, righty, polling, judiciary…not in that order necessarily)

[–] chikaygo 2 points 10 months ago

Seconding Knowledge Fight and Behind the Bastards! Hello fellow wonk!

[–] chikaygo 16 points 10 months ago (2 children)

Cats are sensitive to a protein in our earwax so they find it appealing. I had a cat so obsessed he would hunt down my ear plugs (I had to put child locks on the bedside table drawers). Occasionally the earplugs would fall out in the middle of the night. One morning they both fell out and I grabbed one and thought I may have accidentally dropped the other. My cat raced in out of nowhere and I chased him away but I couldn’t find the plug. Fast forward twenty four hours later and I found a full ear plug in a pile of vomit. Thank goodness he was ok, but that damn cat zoomed in and swallowed that earplug whole in a millisecond and it makes me laugh thinking about it to this day.

[–] chikaygo 27 points 10 months ago

I have one cat that gets several meds that I mix in baby food. I also have two other cats that need to be distracted from the cat getting the delicious (hurk) chicken baby food. So i toss treats across the kitchen to get them far away. I started saying “READY?” right before I would start tossing treats. So now as soon as I say ready, they “go long” and run to the far side of the kitchen to wait for their treat toss.

[–] chikaygo 3 points 1 year ago

Yes, for podcasts and then just transfer it back to my phone to continue listening as I get dressed/ready.

[–] chikaygo 9 points 1 year ago

Shokz are awesome. I also have finicky and small ear holes that don’t like earbuds that much, along with piercings that can get annoyed depending on the style. Shockz solves all that plus I can hear my surroundings. Pro tip for camping…wear the shockz WITH earplugs and play white noise or sleep music. It was the only way I slept during a bass music festival with after parties going until dawn.

[–] chikaygo 6 points 1 year ago

Same man, cept my cats were the audience.

[–] chikaygo 1 points 2 years ago

That’s dark man.


I work at a very small company and am the only non-christian. It's not a faith based org but the owner is VERY religious and half of the employees are of the same faith. The rest are different factions of that faith. They all know i dont practice but i keep my views to myself.

However, im starting to tire of the “god is guiding us” talk. As an example, i recently made an error but discovered it quickly due to a series of coincidences and managed to fix it before it became a real issue. My boss made mention that “god is always guiding us” and basically said i was led to find this error by god. I REALLY wanted to ask where god’s guidance was when i made the error in the first place.

Anyways, whenever she says something like this I usually just give a “mmmhmmm” or other somewhat neutral and non-commital response. I honestly don’t think there IS a better way I can respond but figured I’d post here in case anyone had suggestions.

And before it’s suggested…there is no HR, it’s an amazing position outside putting up with the religious mumbo jumbo, and I’m not going to quit or report the boss.

P.S. as a reddit refugee who desperately missed the exchristian sub there, i do hope this community can get some more action. Reddit is dead to me, lol.

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