this has real "from the heart of my mom's basement i stab at thee" vibes to it.
I know, I know, it seems like pure madness. But I did already have 2 fixed blades, 4 folders, and 2 multitools packed!
Oh yes. I'm taking this show on the road for sure. :)
Not sure if you're familiar at all with the CRKT Piet, a great little inexpensive EDC that came out a couple years ago. I managed to cut myself while it was closed and the knife hidden by the scales by gripping it, accidently mind you, in such a way that the fat of my palm, below my thumb, squished into the knife where the heel of the blade is just ever so slightly closer to the edge of the scales.
Where there's an unintentional will, there's a way.
The exposed edge just gives me the willies. If there's a way to accidentally cut oneself with a knife you can guarantee I'm going to find it. For sure I would reach into a pocket and somehow get bit.
A brand name trainer knife would definitely be a nicer experience, albeit much tougher to eat with…
I double-dog dare you! 😂
Look forward to it.
I have never been more afraid of anything in my entire life.
my goodness, that's a halloween knife if I've ever seen one! 😂
(Take a drink every time the Dork says “Kershaw/Emerson.”)
We are all in deep, deep trouble.
I feel like knife disassembly should happen in one of those enclosed/sealed chemistry containers where you can see inside but it's closed and you have to use gloves from the outside. No more lost parts!
Edit: they're actually called a glove box. go figure.
That's great. I was going to use a D2 Elementum this year just to see how well it does.
So which is worse: this or the BaliYo?