Mario 64 and Banjo-Kazooie
What you need is willpower. No way around it. Your options are:
Drink soda sweetened with sugar
Drink soda sweetened with artificial sweeteners
Drink unsweetened soda
I would just stay on the seltzer until you're used to it. I can't even drink sugary soda anymore, maybe as a treat once in a while, but never a whole can or bottle at once. You'll get there too.
Data's poem was written by real people trying to sound like a machine.
ChatGPT's poems are written by a machine trying to sound like real people.
While I think "Ode to Spot" is actually a good poem, it's kind of a valid point to make since the TNG writers were purposely trying to make a bad one.
If I had this land, I'd grow food.
That's still selling your labor though.
Star Trek economy.
An idealized form of capitalism where there is no wealth inequality, no exploitation of labor, and everyone's basic needs are provided for.
Who decides what's on the test?
What's the alternative then?
Start homesteading. When you provide everything for yourself, you won't have to sell your labor to anyone.
Tuna melt and fries.
My homemade tuna salad is tuna, soy sauce, mayo, celery, and onion. Copycat Jimmy John's recipe. Bread is homemade, King Arthur classic sandwich loaf recipe. And the finest Wisconsin American cheese that money can buy at Woodman's.
Frozen fries because I'm lazy today.
Pumpkin Spice Latte
Summer. The best activities: dining on patios and drinking in beer gardens, camping and hiking, going for long walks, and lots more. Long days. Heat doesn't bother me, and if it ever does I have A/C.