I had definitely thought that as well! But then I googled it and found there can be "major interactions" between Adderall and Zoloft, and that Adderall can actually affect serotonin (not sure if it promotes more serotonin or inhibits reuptake). It must be some kind of compounding effect?
But great point on the Zoloft! It seems it was definitely an OD factor, especially if there is more serotonin floating up there "naturally" and the re-uptake inhibition becomes way more effective. 😬
(I'm still actually dealing with tapering off Zoloft, but oh my gods I am so much less physically anxious already.)
So I am still tapering off Zoloft since this "aha" realization only happened this week... Everyone please take my extra serotonin, please!!! (/s)
For real though, being depressed was its own terrifying animal and I hope anyone suspecting it gets the help they need. I'm glad I could work through it with meds and now therapy, but it's crazy how delicate the balance needs to be with brain chemicals!