I have also seen evangelion.
joined 2 years ago
What's a proportional response? I'm genuinely asking. I agree that the above is NOT a proportional response. But also I haven't seen anyone say what they think would be.
Why do I even play this game.
Doppelgänger has some reasonably accessible tracks outside of FCPREMIX. Try ‘act one, scene one’ or ‘mouths like sidewinder missles’. Your mileage may vary of course.
I reckon these would keep me going for a good old time.
- Colors - Between the Buried and Me
- The Shape of Color - Intervals
- Handmade Cities - Plini
- Odyssey to the West - Slice the Cake
- Esoteric Malacology - Slugdge
- Crux - Moon Tooth
- Death of a Dead Day - Sikth
- Daughters - Daughters
- Oxidized - Frontierer
- Doppelgänger - The Fall of Troy
At the previous step you should have an option to set up for an organisation/school. Follow that route and you can find options to create a local account.
There's a good number of videos cataloguing templeOS, and it's an interesting dive for sure.