Yeah the cold and soggy is my main criticism. At that point I'd rather cook
Maybe it's what I eat but I find the food is always worse after delivery. It's usually gotten a bit cold and steamed a bit. Some stuff like pizza and Asian food handles it well, but falafel and anything fried is best served immediately
Oh absolutely. And yeah I think a lot of people see us and get a little stuck on the gender presentation bit. Hell, I did as a teenager.
In fact, for a long time (and still in some places) in order to medically transition you had to do something called "real life experience", which was living as your preferred gender for however long the therapist wanted. Now theoretically that could be a frustrating roadblock that has notmal issues, but basically be come out, change your name, use your pronouns, etc. However this also caused problems of essentially forcing overcompliance to gendered expectations. In college a friend of mine was told by a therapist that she wouldn't get approval to start hormones if she didn't start wearing makeup and dresses to her sessions. It used to be a joke in trans communities that we'd basically ham it up for doctors then go home and put on jeans and a t-shirt like everyone else wears.
It's a bit outdated but the book Whipping Girl by Julia Serrano deals with quite a bit around transness and feminism.
It's somewhat uncommon for a graduating class to all survive education my experience as an American. And that's despite not knowing any school shootings. It's usually suicide or reckless driving.
Yeah and second is a 60th of a 60th of a 24th of a day. We just found the number of times cesium vibrates in that amount of time. 60 and 24 seem arbitrary to us now, but in addition to giving nice and useful chunks of time, they're numbers that wouldn't feel as arbitrary to ancient folks
Why just solstices? I maintain that secular society would probably enjoy the cardinal (solstices and equinoxes) and ordinal (halfway points) holidays that modern pagans tend to celebrate far better than the Christian ones. They're evenly spaced out and correspond to changes in light and temperature
I've taken to mentally breaking the seasons in half. The winter solstice to halfway before the equinox is cold and dark, but getting brighter. The previous 8th is the hardest time. It's getting darker and colder but snow is sparce. The 8th before the vernal equinox is the final stretch before spring is getting going.
And I've only ever heard three good reasons: a Floridian who moved here for the James cancer center, people from far right bumfuck states miving here because we weren't that bad without being expensive, and a Californian who moved here because he fucking sucks (insane gun nut who agrees with our state government on a lot)
Yeah I don't mind apps keeping track of how I've been using them. But if duolingo tells me where my friend got married and congratulates me on keeping my streak through that then we're gonna have some concerns
Kinda? I dress feminine because it makes me feel attractive and it's my style. But the dysphoria took hormones and bottom surgery to deal with. If I'm a woman in a suit, I don't feel dysphoric at all unless people are misgendering me, meanwhile before transitioning I attempted crossdressing and I swear I never felt more dysphoric in my life than then. But also other people have different experiences.
Were we supposed to actually go on vacation?
The problem is that restaurants usually have similar load patterns. The orders for the Mexican place aren't coming in while the pizza restaurant are slow, they're all getting a decent surge at lunch time and a bigger surge at dinner timr