
joined 2 years ago
[–] cammoblammo 69 points 1 week ago (5 children)

If you watch carefully you’ll notice that Gimli picks up the axe belonging to the Dwarf sitting next to him.

[–] cammoblammo 1 points 2 weeks ago

Depends on the crime. One would think the Second Amendment might cover some crimes.

[–] cammoblammo 1 points 2 weeks ago

True, but that’s mainly because they forgot about it.

[–] cammoblammo 2 points 1 month ago

A school I used to work at had a folder with student passwords for various services at the front of the computer lab. If a student forgot their password for a service, they just went and looked in the folder. Maybe they’d even get their mates’ passwords for them while they were at it!

I did try to get the policy changed, and offered to teach staff and students how to use a password manager, but apparently remembering a single password was far too complicated, and it would make it much harder if you needed to log in to someone else’s account.

[–] cammoblammo 25 points 1 month ago (4 children)

My parents worked hard all their lives and have had very little to show for it. As much as I didn’t realise it at the time, I never really wanted for anything, but I’m sure my parents skipped meals on occasion.

Now they’re retired they have a bit of money from state pension and superannuation funds, as well as a bit my mum inherited from her parents. It’s still not a lot, but they’re able to live in the comparative luxury they always deserved.

A couple of year back they splurged and took a trip to the UK, which had been on their bucket lists since before I was born. They seemed to feel like they had to explain why they were spending the money, and I reassured them that it was their money, not mine.

My wife and I are in good, stable jobs and we don’t need their cash. Let them enjoy themselves while they still can.

[–] cammoblammo 2 points 2 months ago

Day one it’ll get used for Ivanka’s dad too.

[–] cammoblammo 0 points 2 months ago

So… she stayed in the US?

[–] cammoblammo 1 points 3 months ago


I’ll definitely look for that. I’ve stayed off political channels for the last week, but it might be time to head back.

[–] cammoblammo 3 points 3 months ago (2 children)

Just watch out for access to abortion in Australia. It’s recently been under attack in Queensland and South Australia, and those are very much warm-ups for a bigger push. Expect it to become an issue next year as Peter Dutton starts to repeat Trump talking points in his campaigning.

[–] cammoblammo 7 points 3 months ago (1 children)

I’m fairly sure it’s not the voters they’re blaming. It’s the people who didn’t vote.


So, Australia Day. Here's how I think the whole debate can be settled. We swap King's Birthday and Australia Day.

King's Birthday, which is universally acknowledged as no more than an excuse for a day off, falls very close to the anniversary of the date the Mabo decision was handed down. That would be a great date to celebrate the fact that our nation isn't just a smidge over two centuries old, but many tens of thousands of years old. We still have major issues of reconciliation and treaty to deal with, but this could be a good step in that direction.

Now, we still need a holiday towards the end of January. How else will we know it's time to go back to school, or which songs are considered hot? If we move the King's Birthday to the last Friday in January (and remember, the King's Birthday isn't held on his birthday and the timing is essentially arbitrary) we still get a chance to celebrate whatever it is we celebrate then. We can still pop a side of lamb on the barbie, we can still watch the cricket... heck, we can still celebrate our love for our great nation by putting on a pair of flag budgie smugglers and running up Glenelg Jetty otherwise naked.


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