I lived in Canada for a while (US expat). What you have to factor in is the wait times are sometimes utterly ludicrous in Canada unless your condition is life threatening. It does you no good for a procedure to be free if you can't get it.
Having said that, the USA system is hot garbage. So much money is spent on profits and useless administration, paying people to deny claims, paying office staff to argue all day with insurance companies, waste, fraud, etc. We are smart enough and wealthy enough to provide quality, timely care to everyone, if only we could get rid of the greedy idiots in charge.
There's a show I wanted to watch (Bosch Legacy) and Amazon only offers it through Freevee with multiple unskippable 60-second ads. No way to pay for ad-free. Toxic. I will be cancelling my Prime subscription.
I've never sailed the high seas before. Is content like this available?