TBF It also affects the baby
As an adult with Android, I can say this is real. I was on Safari in Africa and everybody else with me had iPhones. They were airdropping pictures to each other and I was reduced to begging for somebody to email them to me.
Yeah. For now I can choose the wind and/or solar option with my power company which I do. Theoretically my power comes 100% from wind at the moment.
Westboro Baptist could sustain you for a while.
I don't ever go back and look at the votes.
I look into it every few years. It doesn't yet pay for itself, at least for me, and I haven't yet found a company that I think will be around in 20 years to honor its warranties. I live in an area with hurricanes, so I need to know my equipment can be repaired or replaced in a timely manner. I would dearly love to find a system that lets me kick the power company to the curb, but it's not quite there yet.
So you say, and yet you still offer nothing.
You may be onto something. Even when they're still young and attractive, some people get bent out of shape if they don't receive special treatment. Imagine being that entitled and then losing what made you special. Ouch
Don't have time to separate the wheat from the chaff today. But I understand if you don't have any actual sources to back up your assertions.
Thanks, I am in favor of UBI, but like anything else I think the cost of everything will just rise to eat it up. With various trials going on, we should have better data soon
Very true. If solar ever settles into a truly functional technology, we won't need generators
Yep. I live in Texas, and the cognitive dissonance here is epic.