
joined 2 years ago
[–] bwoahman 3 points 2 years ago (1 children)

Yess! I have similar stats and I find doing exercise can result in some really volatile weight swings. I do some weight training too but really really impressed at the classes as any cardio at all outside of a short walk makes me quite dizzy.

As you say, the overall trend line is what's important, eyes on the prize and all!

submitted 2 years ago by bwoahman to c/fasting

Hi! Not sure how active the community is but thought I'd make a post similar to the r/fasting daily check in.

I'll start: Been OMAD the previous 2 days and currently 23 hrs into another fast. Feeling a bit tired but otherwise okay, so might go nap to get it over the 1 day mark. Haven't decided whether to extend.

[–] bwoahman 2 points 2 years ago (2 children)

Anybody got timings for the start and expected finish (I'm on GMT)?

Work laptop is acting so I need to head into the office after the start and hopefully get back before the finish.

[–] bwoahman 2 points 2 years ago

Bwoah is the same for everybody