Thanks! I’m not sure if it’s the film or lens or me messing up the setting or focus that caused the dreamy look but whatever it is it worked out!
joined 2 years ago
Haven’t tried pushing it yet! How grainy does it get?
I’ve only been able to shoot 1 roll of 250D and 1 roll of Cinestill 400D (I think people say it’s the same minus the remjet) but I really enjoyed the results. It’s pretty cheap to find but finding a place to develop it is more difficult and expensive than C41.
For color, I like the look of Vision3 250D, Cinestill 400D, Gold, and Lomo 400. It’s hard to pick one since there’s so many to try! For B&W, I really enjoy TMax 400 though.
Ehh Idk. I was just giving it a shot and I liked that it’s cheaper but it’s also only 24 exposures so I’m not sure its worth it over HP5 or another film.