Those names are taken from Iain M. Banks’ Culture sci-fi series.
The owner was asked if an autism-awareness event could be held at his business. He accepted, in part because he has family members with autism. After the event has gotten rolling, he realizes it’s actually a campaign event for the GOP and tells the guy to fuck off.
Seems like they either deliberately went out of their way to hide what the event really was, or the business owner didn’t really bother to look up who was holding the event and put two-and-two together.
My stepmom’s dad has bragged about never having changed a single diaper for his kids. He sees this as a victory. What a fucking creep.
I’m still waiting for them to do another run of the Victory Two Assault Buster Gundam after I missed the last pre-order.
Ah that’s a good point, nice catch. I didn’t realize that’s what you were referring to. Big if true.
Really kind of you to spend $600 just for this cat, what a neighbor!
Jedi(:?) Survivor is canon and includes kyber bleeding, and I think I read that a canon Vader comic includes it, but this is definitely the first live-action occurrence.
I love Squat University for this kind of thing. This is just the first video I’ve pulled of his for your issue but I’ve definitely seen plenty of shorts with similar problems as well. Definitely worth a look and a try with some of the rehab exercises he recommends.
I haven’t had this exact issue, but I’ve used his rehab exercises for other issues with serious results. He’s good people.
Tesla has an 'auto-decide reverse or forward' feature
It has a what?
This is absolutely something my pregnant wife would have done. Those hormones are nuts.