So you're denying genocides based on the ideology of the executer and not on the account of their victims, ok. Another block.
Russia is a fascist, terrorist oligarchy on the verge of collapse.
China is a dictatorship with free hand to do genocides at home (Uygurs, Tibet etc) because they have nukes.
South Africa is almost a failed state, where due to corruption people only have electricity a few hours a day and where a separatist movement in the only functional province is growing everyday.
India is sliding fast into a nationalistic hindu dictactorship as well. Although praised for being the biggest democracy in the world, its flaws are growing constantly under Modi.
And what does Brazil want to do with this bunch? Didn't Bolsonaro damage its image enough?
Iran and Ethiopia want to join? Wow, it can always get creepier.
Wow a war and brutal invasion is opening opportunities for criminals, nazis and the like. Who could have guessed? This only agravates Russian crimes. Russia is a terrorist state and yes, promoting war has all these other consequences as well, it promotes violence, lawlessness etc a bump neonazi can suddenly actually do something useful by defending civilians. Again, Russia's fault. That's the message here, Russia is doing incredible damage to Ukraine, stop the war and leave NOW.
Not sure how one can put alt-text on an image on Lemmy, so I'll leave here a description of the cartoon:
The perfect European should be (there are comical draws for each nationality):
Cooking.. like a Brit. Available.. as a Belgian. Talkative.. as a Finn. Humorous... as a German. Driving.. like the French. Technical.. as a Portuguese. Flexible... as a Swede. Famous... as a Luxembourger. Patient.. as an Austrian. Controlled.. as an Italian. Sober.. as the Irish. Humble... as a Spaniard. Generous... as a Dutchman. Organised.. as a Greek. Discreet.. as a Dane.
PS: Note that some stereotypes are 'recycled' from the original NATO version where they were attributed to other nationalities.
Big sports events are a mad circus, all cost, no benefit is the rule. It's extremely rare that a country/city benefits from a sports events, if ever. Sometimes people point out renovations done to cities that were useful, but those renovations could have been done without the excuse of the games. Building sports infrastructure with a single event in mind is prone to disaster, and don't mention all the corruption behind. It should be FIFA or the Olympics making the bids, not the cities/countries..
Big sports events are a huge pain for residents and taxpayers. And actually it didn't have to be that way, with sensible demands many cities in the world could easily host them without extra works and expenses.. they're a finantial disaster by design.
Hope others will learn from Victoria and take their bids back. I'm looking at you, Portugal (WC 2030).
Exactly. People hear "federation" and immediately think USA, that's a model that no one defends for Europe. In fact we're not so far from being a federation already, the EU could easily call itself a confederation at least. Also nobody wants a revolution, so our future model must be based in our current one, which needs reforms.
Andrew Duff makes a series of sensible proposals on this book that is of free access as an ebook. An interesting read.
This is quite true. Also not easy to achieve. But I'm still hoping to see it in my lifetime. After all I already saw the opening of the borders and a common currency being launched, those weren't easy either. We're closer now to a federation than ever before. Let's vote passionately next year in the European elections 🗳️🇪🇺
Assuming the person lives in a normal town or village, you always have plenty of options. Groceries by post is totally absurd.
This video helps to understand so much about America, definitely a must watch and must act afterwards. These parking laws are totally absurd, even for businesses, everyone looses except for asphalt companies.
I don't have time for this, I'm blocking them all, a few are popping up here. The Fediverse was supposed to be a safe space, safe from this kind of Russian trolls.