
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 14 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (5 children)

Since there is always some sucker to be found on Reddit who enjoys taking orders and licking boots, no sub can really defend against this move by Reddit admins. Which is probably why some other mods decided to maliciously comply instead.

Yeah, pretty much. To not reopen you have to have absolute confidence that no one on the mod team will succumb to the temptation to steal ownership of the sub. The fact that some subs have fallen prey to this (like /r/piracy) is why mods have been wringing their hands and reopening subs left and right.

Honestly this shit is early IRC drama all over again; kick all the other ops from the channel and it belongs to you, provided those people aren't registered in the ChanServ. /u/spez is the ChanServ, and he's letting everyone know he's willing to look the other way.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (1 children)

all they had to say is "no we aren't tankies" and people just took them at their word lol

IMO it's a little more cynical than that, they rephrased the narrative into one that they could cleanly reject and be quoted on. As others have pointed out, it is almost a certainty that 1) they do not consider themselves or their ideology to be fascist, and 2) they aren't supporting genocide if they do not acknowledge that the peoples in question are actually subject to genocide.

Edit: ...Which you've already affirmed in one of your previous comments, my bad.

[–] [email protected] 11 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (1 children)

Taking a poll on this one: Spez's PR people

  • have been replaced with a poop emoji
[–] [email protected] 9 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

I'm deleting mine on the last day of the month. Until then there are many pictures of Jon Oliver to upvote. (/r/pics, /r/gifs, /r/aww, /r/art)

...And pictures of vacuum cleaners. (/r/wellthatsucks)

...Along with pictures of pressurized water vapor and its many scientific uses. (/r/steam)

These communities are bringing out their best malicious compliance for the final hoorah, and the least I can do is help them find their way to the front page.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (2 children)

No piece of software is a utopia on its first major outing. And kbin has many technical hurdles it must overcome before it worry about it's presentation. A sculpture cannot be polished before it has been shaped.

I agree in principle (devops engineer), but a user retention issue has abruptly entered the fray due to the recent spike of interest. While I'm the sort of person who prioritizes core functionality and stability almost every time, this is one of those rare situations where I'd consider it important to triage usability and aesthetics alongside those. That's way more than Ernest can handle on his own, but it's up to him to recognize it as a potential priority and start reaching out for help so that the problems can be solved in tandem.

Not everyone is going to agree with me on this one. Pretty sure a lot of people predating the Reddit surge are happy to take a "when it gets done" approach to this sort of thing and aren't worried about permanently retaining the Reddit crowd and sticking it to /u/spez. A significant portion of users do though, and there is a non-negligible amount of IT talent to be tapped from those enthusiasts.

(Yes, I put my money where my mouth is, but 1) coding is not one of my top vocations and 2) it's up to Ernest whether he wants any assistance on the things that I've offered to help with.)

[–] [email protected] 8 points 1 year ago

But are you suggesting this somehow impacts Lemmy?

Mostly irrelevant in this context, because the topic at hand is the developer denying that they condone these practices and insisting that it is a manufactured narrative. You are replying to a rebuttal of this.

Your opinion is a completely fair one to have, but we don't need to shift the conversation back to it every time someone provides a rebuttal to "the dev never actually said that" with receipts.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (1 children)

Speaking as a weeb, the comment with the link is probably the best comment to try and understand where Otome-chan is coming from. (I tried replying to it, but threading breaks this many levels deep)

The bigger problem is that "loli" has become an appropriated term. It means different things to different people, and it's almost impossible to reach a rational consensus about it between in-groups and out-groups. To people outside the anime community it just means "pedo ~~bait~~ wank material", and anyone who argues is "clearly" splitting hairs and trying to defend an unjustifiable fetish. (Edit: To be clear here I didn't mean pedo bait in the "borderline" context that Otome-chan interpreted it below. Editing this in because I don't want to belabor this topic with another reply.)

I like shortstacks. I don't think normalizing pedophilia as an acceptable fetish in polite company is okay, keep that shit to yourself. I don't think the person I'm replying to endorses carte blanche pedophilia on kbin. Hardliners are still going to insist that these concepts are mutually exclusive, but I think that's as far as the discussion can usefully go.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago

To my own humor, I'm really remembering how much porn is on the internet right now.

Yup. That's why my own take on this treads a fine line. IMO we need porn on our side to leave Reddit in the past, but that doesn't mean we all need someone's junk in our face either. :D

[–] [email protected] 9 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

The important differentiator is that anime is a medium. There is high-brow stuff and low-brow stuff. Both fans and non-fans make the mistake of treating it as this all-inclusive hodgepodge, particularly because there happens to be a large market for that low-brow stuff.

Removing sexuality from the picture for a moment, both the anime and light novel scenes (where a lot of anime originates) are much more derivative and prone to copycatting than their western counterparts. Competition is fierce and sex sells. I don't like it when stuff I find creepy finds its way into something I like, and sometimes I have to move on if the author keeps coming back to it. That's just how it goes.

Find what anime you like, stick to the communities for the anime that you do like. Avoid mainstream or generic "anime" communities, because the disproportionate amount of low-brow content is going to drag discussions down in that direction. Either you accept it, ignore it, or stay away from it. And if some jackass tries to tell you that you're not a "real" anime fan if you don't accept their fetishes, nope right the fuck out of that conversation. Anyone trying to shove their fetish down your throat is just looking for self-validation in a public place and engaging with that is utterly pointless.

[–] [email protected] 14 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (1 children)

many of us would like to simply have full federation and curate content ourselves, though it's understandable that moderation needs to happen in some cases.

Agreed. I think the emphasis needs to be on usage of NSFW tagging, and making sure users have the ability to block magazines that they think are borderline (or just bad at tagging their content) without having to click into that magazine.

That said, I would not be opposed to a middle ground where entire instances can be flagged as NSFW so that their content is automatically tagged. 1) Instances should be able to voluntarily tag themselves like this so that all posts originating from that instance are automatically tagged, and 2) admins of other instances should be given the option to flag other instances as NSFW to their local instance as an alternative to defederating. There is still some room for overreaction with #2, but it's still putting control in the hands of that instance's users whether they want to interact with that content or not.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

With it being pronounced "kay-bin" (named after Linux directories with a -bin suffix), I personally vote for a smug trashcan avatar with a suspiciously snoo-like mascot sticking out of its mouth. Maybe just the antennae should be visible...that would help avoid legal claims.

Edit: Or maybe a recycling bin? It's more eco friendly, and comes with the implication that the old is being recycled for the new. :D

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