Check out prowlerr over jacket, I found it much better
"Did you mack her?"
So dumb lol
So I run windows AD and have windows dns inside and cloudflare outside. I also run NPM for the web prox in my DMZ.
On the inside DNS I point the A record for to the IP of my npm server. I than setup inside npm to forward requests to the web server setup for service1. I than setup the CNAME record for to point to This should complete your inside.
Outside I set the A record on cloudflare for to my public IP address which will route again to NPM. This will complete the outside connectivity.
Make sure your firewall rules are set and proper ports open and you should be golden.
Bitwarden here
I primarily use dark themes but I do switch to light themes from time to time. To see better, give my eyes a break, or when in a dark room for too long are some examples. Also some apps just don't play nice in dark themes.
We got lasik for my fiance and that was hands down the best money we ever spent. Life changing really.
Bitwarden all day
To each their own!