Take it easy, listen to your body, and feel better soon!
Whoops, I forgot to post yesterday, almost forgot today. Still not drinking poisonous alcohol, day 68!
I have a trip for work coming up next week to a definite party location. I'm also bringing some family members with me who are big social drinkers. Trying to decide if I keep my sober streak, or just let the week go how it needs to. I wasn't a hardcore drinker when I quit 66 days ago, just didn't like how alcohol made me feel when having a few beers or glasses of wine on the daily. Regardless, no poisonous alcohol for me today, that I can say for sure!
Some days are like that for me, as well. But I do find even the flat days are better sober. IWNDWYT
Welcome to Monday! Ready to face the day without poisonous alcohol, day 65!
Happy Sunday, everyone! Yard work today for me, it will be good to spend time in nature. Hope everyone's day is just what you need. No poisonous alcohol for me, day 64!
Safe travels, hope your vacation was superb!
Saturday, yes! Think we are planning on a drive over some beautiful mountains to wander and explore today. I woke up with the sun, refreshed and feeling mighty fine. No poisonous alcohol for day 63!
Thanks, it gets a little easier every day!
Friday, yayyy! I'm well rested, inspired, and ready to have a great day...all with a clear mind. Day 62 for me, I won't drink poisonous alcohol with all of you today!
Cheers to finding your best version of yourself!
Day 69, nice! No poisonous alcohol for me today!