
joined 1 year ago
[–] blenderwig 2 points 1 year ago (2 children)

I'm so proud of you!

[–] blenderwig 2 points 1 year ago

I so appreciate your cheerleading and 70 and beyond!

[–] blenderwig 3 points 1 year ago (2 children)

Yesterday went so well, totally in the flow! Day 14 for me, looking forward to seeing what comes along today. Not drinking poisonous alcohol today, I'm in!

[–] blenderwig 4 points 1 year ago

I'm with you! No poisonous alcohol for me today on day 13!

[–] blenderwig 2 points 1 year ago

Hope you feel better as the day goes on.

[–] blenderwig 4 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Hello Tuesday. Appointments, work stuff, all of the boring adult things. I slept like a log. This is day 12 for me, nothing too exciting...but still better than hangovers and anxiety! No alcohol for me today, let's go!

[–] blenderwig 4 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Happy Monday! I have to deal with some highly annoying coworkers all week and a lot of distraction. I'll find time to isolate and reset as needed. This kind of thing drains me and sets me up for drinks in the evening to dull out. Strangely excited to figure out some new coping skills that don't involve alcohol or numbing out. No drinking for me today, no matter how overstimulated I get (any advice or tricks that you have are greatly appreciated).

[–] blenderwig 2 points 1 year ago

Cool and windy day here. Trying out a recipe for shrimp and grits today. Cooking is a definite trigger to drink wine, I haven't found a good replacement for that yet. I'll stick with NA beers for now. Maybe the idea that my digestion goes so much better without the wine will help, along with knowing that I can fully taste my creation without the cloud of alcohol. Day 10 for me, I'll not drink alcohol today!

[–] blenderwig 1 points 1 year ago

Sounds like a great strategy! IWNDWYT

[–] blenderwig 1 points 1 year ago

The diamond art helped a ton! I was more engaged and the time flew by. Search for lullaby Tool on Spotify, there's a couple different playlists.

[–] blenderwig 2 points 1 year ago (2 children)

Happy birthday to your kiddo! I get the stress part, maybe some grounding techniques before and after can help?

Yesterday was a great day. Grocery shopping, then spent time relaxing outside with a book. Finished with a campfire with the kids while we watched a little bit of the meteor shower. I realize that drinking is a big thing when I have a campfire, but I didn't have any alcohol. Proud of myself for breaking the habit. Happy that I got to spend time with my three teenagers and fantastic husband, we found some lullaby versions of Tool songs on Spotify. That really made for some core memories last night, and they will be ones that I remember this time!

Today the kids go to a Tai Chi lesson. I want to pop into the local craft store to see if there is a small diamond art kit I can use while we play D&D tonight. I have a hard time sitting in one place for 4 hours without constantly snacking, drinking, or feeling very antsy. Looking to see if a mindless craft will help a little with that. I won't be drinking alcohol today, got too good of a thing going!

[–] blenderwig 1 points 1 year ago

Sounds like a busy and fun weekend!

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