Well oatmilk is literally grinded oats with water. How is that ultra-transformed?
Our last windows System bluescreened on us for good....
We' ve now setup our gaming rig with Garuda Linux and Proton and couldn't be happier!
Baldurs Gate 3 runs flawlessly on highest details. It. Is. Great.
Outrageous. Uninformed brat.
Oh I agree that we're worse.
This political situation we're in here in Germany with our history... Noone would have believed it being possible a decade ago. Now our right-wing party AfD is placing 20% in our current political surveys (Question: if elections were next Sunday what party would you vote for?)...
And let me make it very clear: many of those right-wing voters can't understand why Trump is so popular in the US.
It is frightening, ridiculous and maniac at the same time.
Die letzten Glühwürmchen... Hat mich damals sehr zerstört.
The dumbest comment ever.
Still not untrue! The Number of AfD- Supporters is rising and rising in Germany.
But it is not just a phenomenon in Germany, in fact it is found in many western countries.
It kinda compares to the MAGA-Movement in the US - people are very disappointed with the current german government and the inflation just taking its toll on the families with low income.
The fight of an aquarium owner vs the gigantic bobbit worm in his tank.
The fact alone that it goes on for 5 pages!! Dudes could have used the time training lol
"Wendeeeell! Does this make me look fat? Be honest!"
I somehow have this one Gary Larson cartoon in mind, where a cow with a pearl necklace and a martini stands in front of a window and says: "Wendell, I'm not content..."
In the thickest Australian accent: 'You did WHAT, mate?'
Yeah, us evil, evil Germans ... lol
Please educate yourself: There are rightwing tendencies even in your country, but they're coloured differently.
If you'd take a closer look at world politics you'd find that there is an alarming trend concerning exactly this.
Best example would be Italy - they've just elected a right-wing party and all hells breaking loose as they've started restructuring the social security system over there, leaving many, many families moneyless. Without any warning in advance. And that's just the start.
China is still on with their genocide - the Uigur must die it seems, no matter what. There's still concentration camps.
I could go on for hours.
But yeah. You're right. Us Germans are notorious and blind towards our history.
First they manipulate their algorithms so that small businesses lose almost all visibility... Except when buying ads.
Now this?
Does that actually mean businesses won't even reach their potential customers with paid ads anymore?