I just hate that we now live in a world where a botched auto software update can impact the use of your car.
I like having fresh and new music to listen to based on my music taste.
Holy fuck that's a real quote lol
MBAs are a scourge on humanity
It's currently the blurst of times
dey put duh mastur ceef in da soder
Look doc, are you lookin for trouble?
I'm not a stewing rabbit, I'm a fricaseeing rabbit
Have you got a fricaseeing rabbit license?
Russian Missile kills innocent Liberian, injures three others
There, fixed the headline.
I still have and manage a few Nortel phone systems for a couple of our clients, at their peak they were the best in the business but man they fell hard, and Avaya isn't much better.
Reminds me of IBM, Cisco, and AT&T/Bell Labs. Started out great, did all the right things, got rich and greedy and stopped giving a fuck.
But can I be fucked waiting 5 minutes for a VM to boot every time I need to use a Windows-only tool?
DRLs (Daytime Running Lamps) we're mandated around that time, which is why cars have LED strips around the main lamps
Not a design thing but something they were forced to include
It feels like the roads in that area have reached the end of their lifespan all at the same time. Locals have resorted to using spray paint to mark the holes because the councils don't seem to care.