
joined 2 years ago

Wouldn't it be nice if the process for safety improvements was as simple as the process for street maintenance?

Compare them:

@bloomington_in #UrbanPlanning

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 weeks ago

@bloomington_in (And this being Bloomington, a couple of people to complain about the Hawthorne Greenway) 🙄


Indiana Avenue redesign

So I did go to the Indiana Avenue public meeting, but they didn't have any concrete plans to share. They did have a cool model to play with, though 😀

I'm always there to tell them to build more bike infrastructure, but there's a dull sameness to these meetings. A lot of people on bikes agreeing with me and a few people to complain about losing parking and bikers not stopping for stop signs.

@bloomington_in #biketooter #UrbanPlanning

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 weeks ago

@markstos @bloomington_in The speaker said he'd been in the job for many years, but it was only in the last five or so he really felt that the city was starting to make forward progress.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 weeks ago

@bloomington_in Vote is 5-0 in support with one abstention, the commissioner felt they didn't have enough information to vote.

Quick discussion of merging the traffic, bike/ped, and parking commissions. Will take public commissioners down from 21 people to five.

That's the end! Public meeting on Indiana Avenue tomorrow at Sample Gates. Not sure whether filling out a survey is sufficient public comment or whether I should be talking in all these meetings as well. Toot you tomorrow!

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

@bloomington_in (Got pulled away from the computer for a while.) Public comment on Indiana Avenue was mostly positive, one person wanted the project extended all the way to 17th!

Next project is a redo of Countryside and Southern Pines traffic calming. Surveys seem to indicate that residents think cars are still going too fast.

A commissioner asks if anyone was against the project. Coordinator says a few people wanted traffic calming pulled out altogether, but a small minority.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 weeks ago (2 children)


Now on to Indiana Avenue! Coordinator mentions there have been several incidents on the corridor, but they haven't put together a proposal yet. They will put something together after tomorrow's public meeting. Three separate meetings over the summer to come up with a plan.

Commisioners are asking for crash data (they will make it public next month).


Bike/Ped Commission meeting tonight

Zooming into the meeting, mostly to hear about Indiana Avenue. First up, though, is a review of the ADA Transition Plan. Comments seem mostly positive, commissioners are worried about several engineering issues rather than planning.

Public Comment: Eric Ost thinks we aren't doing enough due diligence on prioritizing projects. Thinks we spend too much on cycling and not enough on ADA.


[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 weeks ago

@bloomington_in Rode over to check on the progress of this. It's moving along, with something like 30 yards of trail complete and open for some reason. Looks like the whole piece should be open by the fall though! #trails


Washington and Bloomington Work With Lime on Mobility

"The Mobility Insights Competition was designed to select two communities to better understand their biking issues, including equity and safety...Bloomington’s application charted a plan to use shared micromobility data to help with the city’s first Safe Streets for All Action Plan."

@bloomington_in #UrbanPlanning #bikeshare


Attorney General Todd Rokita Tells Monroe County to Rescind ‘Sanctuary City’ Policies

"Attorney General Todd Rokita has issued a threat to local officials in Monroe County, home to the city of Bloomington, along with several other Indiana localities: rescind “sanctuary city” policies or face legal action starting July 1."

Todd Rokita is an awful person.



Bloomington quietly puts up plans for protected bike lanes on Indiana Avenue

#cycling @bloomington_in


Bangkok Thai has some fine hot chiles tonight! 😓🔥🔥🔥


submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Bloomington to take part in heat mapping survey

"NOAA’s Urban Heat Island mapping campaign is in its eighth year, and according to the agency, a lack of vegetation and extensive pavement can cause neighborhoods to be upwards of 20 degrees warmer than nearby areas.

Participating volunteers are given devices that easily attach to a vehicle or a bike which take humidity and temperature readings and store the observations."

@bloomington_in #environment


Hundreds of people walking around Kirkwood today!

Eight of them were even able to leave their cars there! @bloomington_in


PHOTOS: Little 500 caps of Spring Series with Miss N Out and Team Pursuit

@bloomington_in #cycling #Little500

[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 months ago (1 children)

@bloomington_in 1PM: A few more cars in the lots, a few more parties going on. A few people have staked out benches at Miller-Showers Park. Lots of IU students outside with glasses in hand.

Wait, those are cups, sorry


Eclipse traffic

11AM: None to speak of. Bypass is empty. Memorial Stadium lot has a few dozen cars and a couple of groups with tents and tripods, and one security truck sitting on the trail making sure no bikers can get through 🙄 A couple of parties in my 'hood judging from the cars. More people than usual walking around.

#eclipse @bloomington_in


Light at Dunn and the Bypass now has walk timing for every green

I sent the mayor a note of appreciation for moving the Hawthorne greenway forward, and I sent the city bike coordinator a note of appreciation for the new semiprotected bike lanes on 3rd Street, so I wonder if they're getting tired now of my notes of appreciation

#BikeTooter @bloomington_in

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 months ago

@Bikevisionary @bloomington_in The vast majority are, but district 4 is full of large estates within a few blocks of downtown. It's like a NIMBY breeding ground!

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 months ago (2 children)


Whiny rich people ask about preserving privacy when the peasants use the path, and preserving the character.

General meeting adjourns. People can now come up and look at the maps and ask questions one-on-one.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 months ago (3 children)

@bloomington_in Question about closing a lane to cars instead. It was studied but city didn't like it.

Question about native plants in the grass section. More of a homeowner question.

More storm water questions!

Questioner suggests cars will go faster if there are no potholes 😂

Question about putting paths on busy streets instead of side streets.

The whiny rich people whine more.

Question about pedestrian access during construction.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 months ago (4 children)

@bloomington_in Question about the existing path south of Arden. Someone yells Apples and Oranges! Someone else endorses it hugely and is looking forward to the new path. Questioner wants some better visualizations.

Question about preserving the character of the neighborhood. They own several properties 🤨

Another question about making the path narrower. Eight feet is adequate! (Groans from the audience). Was there a pedestrian traffic study? City doesn't do that.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 months ago (5 children)

@bloomington_in Homeowner wants the path to stop before it gets to their house. (Whatevs)

Question about a flasher at Hunter. It's being considered.

Question about budgets. Does it include storm water upgrades? Total just over $5M.

More storm water questions. This seems to be a serious homeowner worry.

Question about narrowing lanes. Will be slightly narrower. Questioner comments that people will have to slow down (Hopefully!) Something about bus passing?

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