I'm not a tyrant, I just act like one.
Greedy people gonna greed.
Wall street investors are buying up all the houses, outbidding the normal home buyers, causing housing prices to go up. Then using the tight housing market to raise the rent prices on all the rental properties they turned the houses they bought into.
The original surge was covid lockdown, people who had money to buy, decided, "now is the time to buy, if i'm going to stuck at home for the foreseeable future," and they did. Then the greedy mcgreedersons saw another opportunity to make more money.
But he is, in the MAGAt camp
Try shrooms or LSD, but more so shrooms and see if you aren't left with perceptive changes to the world. Plus shrooms have a natural antidepressant effect that can last up to six months.
True. I live in Ohio, the gerrymandering here is a wet dream.
Fox News destroyed the republican party. Trump is a result, not the cause.
Reading your other comments, i get the point you were trying to make now. I like it, just the first post being so vague, it was easy to miss, but it makes sense now.
I don't use Obamacare, I use healthcare.gov.
Green washing. Carbon credits don't work either.
Commercial landlord. LOL, like this douchebag has a clue what he is talking about.
Translation: These remote workers are costing me money!!!!!