If housing supply is sufficiently elastic
But it takes ages to build houses. You're again blaming something that's a given just to ignore that housing is a basic need. Obviously if the basic need is manipulated there's loads of money to be made.
If housing supply is sufficiently elastic
But it takes ages to build houses. You're again blaming something that's a given just to ignore that housing is a basic need. Obviously if the basic need is manipulated there's loads of money to be made.
It took like 10-15 years to go from anyone can afford a flat to almost nobody can.
It's as if nothing could be done about it. One country blames tourists, others immigrants. In Netherlands the most popular party said for ages that it's useless to plan ahead. Such remarks are ignored. People go for the populist remarks. Blame some group of people.
My partner and I use 4.5 gallons PPPD.
Do you really count everything? This seems awfully low.
Whether they had anything to do with it or not, it puts the spotlight on them even more.
They're continuously making fun of Joost on social media. Basically behaving like jackasses. They seem to like getting special treatment while behaving like a bully.
Qualcomm: better support for amd
Intel usually has two type of WiFi adapters. One tries on things in their CPUs, the other one doesn't. So it a bit strange that this video finds it surprising that there's a version tied to Intel CPUs. I'd always get the one that doesn't need an Intel CPU. This as it'll impact your CPU less,, Intel or not.
Roe vs wade should've been a law. Republicans said it wasn't needed because of that case. If it isn't a problem to have a law/restriction, then why argue against it?
They don't care if their claims are true. Lies spread more easily than the truth.
It’d destroy their upsell from 8gb process in one fell swoop.
There's a video where someone upgrades the memory of an iPhone by cnc'ing the existing memory chip. So basically using a drill to more or less drill the existing chip to get rid of it. Requires crazy precision.
There have been loads of people who knew he doesn't pay and still thought they'd be the exception.
An appimage should run where, normally you'd put that in your home directory. The immutable bit is outside of your homedir.
Apparently the Netherlands stopped adding fluoride to the drinking water decades ago (due to idiots). It is in toothpaste. Which then gets into the sewer which then gets into the drinking water.
Dutch article: https://www.drinkwaterplatform.nl/fluoride-in-drinkwater-alle-vragen-en-antwoorden/
Because the same causes are happening mostly all over the world. Meaning, buying up houses. Driving up rent, etc.